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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Man, That is one old biscuit

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Wow that puck is about 150 years old.  :o

No it's not. It just says the company was established in 1856. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell us when the puck was actually made.

Actually, on the site posted by Drewhunz, it says "Seldom seen Tyer game puck as used in the American Hockey League and other minor pro leagues during the late 1930's and 1940's." Still pretty friggin old.

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I wonder what would happen if you laid into it with a 110 flex OPS? It might disintegrate in mid air.

I think it'd shatter the stick. They don't make things the way they used to.

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I wonder what would happen if you laid into it with a 110 flex OPS? It might disintegrate in mid air.

i could lay into it with a 45 flex typhoon and it would disintegrate in mid air :blink:

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That's pretty cool. When I was a kid I collected pucks so I'm tempted, but the guy says he'll only ship to the U.S.

I guess he doesn't know the U.S. Postal Service delivers to that foreign land North of him known for good bacon, strong beer, and that fringe sport known as hockey.


Edit: Oh yeah, and home to the current MVP of the NBA!

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I wonder what would happen if you laid into it with a 110 flex OPS? It might disintegrate in mid air.

I think it'd shatter the stick. They don't make things the way they used to.


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