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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salming Gear Reviews

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you should check out Michigan Hockey News. check them out on hte web. covers every level in michigan. will perani's carry your gear. i'm close to 3 of his stores and would like to get a hands on.

I was really enthusiastic after the Vegas show that Perani's would carry some of our line. They came by our booth three times during the show for about 20-30 minutes each time. However, a few phone calls and emails later and.....not yet.

But, it's as I said in an earlier post. Carrying any line is an investment for a retailer. If they have concerns their investment is going to collect dust in the corner, they're not willing to take that plunge. There's no doubt it can be frustrating to have a retailer say the equipment is good but they're not ready to carry it, but I understand their reasons why: there's not enough awareness yet and they want to wait until there is.

I'm just hoping that a few years from now I'll look back and chuckle..... :lol:

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You would be surprised at how much dust some of their "big name brand" stuff collects.

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Wait, Hipster hasn't used it for long? Ah...not good. We require 30 days...sorry...

Oh man....I didn't know there was a cooling off period, LOL. Sort of like the 7 day wait on gun purchases.

My shot isn't that hard. :lol:

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Note to self...*read the board rules sometime this weekend*

I'm one of those guys that tears open the box and starts building first, then searches through the garbage can with a flashlight looking for the instructions later on.

Sorry, I'll get the hang of it.

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does salming have anything in Canada? If not I might be able to try and get one of my LHS to carry Salming if possible in Canada

The Canadian distributor and I communicate often to make sure we're not duplicating efforts, but we're separate companies. I don't know what stores are stocking the product in Canada, so you shold contact him at info@salmingcanada.com.

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the flint store on dort hwy has a ton of closeouts as well as older dust covered gear. even if you have to wash off the gear to get rid of the dust it is still a great deal. i have found the prices to be very competive i.e. easton synthesis at perians $109.99 most others here are at $115.99 - $129.99.

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My son has been using the Salming TF3 Stick for over 6 weeks now and he says it is the best he has ever used. We got it because he was in the market for a new graphite since his Easton got jammed in the boards and it broke.

He loves the stick and in the past several weeks, has shown it to his friends and several have also gotten it.

It is the best combination of quality and price that I have seen.

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Just want to say that I have been using the Salming G1 for the last four months. The stick has a great feel, real nice flex and is holding up very well.

Also have a Salming G1 that we are doing a lot of testing along with 6 other brand name sticks on a Skillpad outdoors. We are beating the hell out of all the sticks and the Salming is still holding up just as well as the other brands.

Actually the Salming is holding up a lot better than two of the other brands..........

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great, now I"m thinking Salming G1 or something will be my next stick :)

how much do they retail for? anyone know?


The G1 has an MSRP of $160 for the 2004 model. Unfortunately, even though nothing changes other than the paint, the stick will increase by $10 for 2005 due to the increase in oil costs.

Street prices can be lower than MSRP at times, so you'll have to ask your local retailer.


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What does oil have to do with making a stick?

I honestly don't know.

I suspect it either is used in the production of the raw materials (graphite maybe?) or just during the production of the sticks themselves. All I know is the factory told Sweden last summer that stick prices will raise because of oil costs, and sure enough the factory kept to its word. <_<

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There is also a shortage of graphite according to some of the information I've seen lately.

Back on the reviews:

I was going to skate a little more with them today but I found the t'blades are warped so I'm going to swap out the holders when my shipment of Pitch holders shows up. The skates and holders are fine, but the steel now has a large bend in it after 3 or 4 skates with them adn I don't feel like having the same problem again with the new steel.

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I was going to skate a little more with them today but I found the t'blades are warped so I'm going to swap out the holders when my shipment of Pitch holders shows up. The skates and holders are fine, but the steel now has a large bend in it after 3 or 4 skates with them adn I don't feel like having the same problem again with the new steel.

Man, you must have pile drivers for legs! I have never had that problem with the T-Blades.... :)

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