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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XX only a TFG in disguise?

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I was just at my LHS (and they are known for being a no BS store). I was looking at the stick's and as I was looking at the XX one of the employees tells me that they are basically the same stick, except for the paint job. Is this true, or just a rumour :angry: ?


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It has a similar feel to the 1100, but I think it definitely doesn't have the kick or the torquing problems.

I find that it's more similar to the TF, but don't know if it's the same stick or not. If it is, it's good work by Bauer to stop associating a good stick with a bad product name.

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It definately isn't a TFG with a new paint job. If you just think about it for a second, the XX weighs a whole lot less than a TFG, and seeing as how i used both, it seemed to me that the XX performed much better, and there were some little differences in feel that i could notice.

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The shaft feels similar, but the blade feels better. Didnt the TFG use the wavebrige blades, and the XX use the XV blade? Maybe thats it?

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I only picked up a XX once but it didn't have the same handle shape as the TFGs that I've seen.

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The XX is very similar to the TFG in many aspects. Weight, blade, feel, concave shape, stick'um grip, etc. Anyways, I believe that they may be the same stick, but if they are not, extremely similar. It is definately not worth double the price though.

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