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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Skates

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I was told that the issue of the Syngery skates rubbing on the ankles can be fixed with taking a heat gun and using it on the skates. What exactly do you have to do??? How long do you leave the heat gun on the skates? What do you do after they are heated? Any info on this would be great. Thanks.

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The idea of this is to mould the skate to your foot making breaking in the skate less painfull

This might be what your looking for, though i dont know if the same can be achieved with a hot air gun or not because if you want to mould the whole boot than a heat gun will only heat a specific area of the boot

I'm not sure about heating synergy skates by the way because they are a one piece composite skate and that may differ from ussual heating techniques needed to do this

I also found this article which may help its about pain in the ankle while breaking in new skates its from epuck again so it has some adverts to buy some skate socks

Most blisters are caused by sock and lacing problems. There are other reasons, but these two cover about 90% of the problems. Try using two pairs of thin, wicking liner style socks when you skate (we sell a sock in the essentials area of our site called the Ultimate Skating Sock). Make sure they fit well with no wrinkling or bagging in any area of your foot. When you lace up, be sure to get the boot very snug in the area where it curves up so that your ankles are well supported. We do not recommend the "dunk" method as it is bad for some skates depending upon the construction. I would break them in the old fashioned way - but with really good socks and good snug lacing.

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Thanks, but thats not what I am looking for. There is a method of using a heat gun to fix a common problem people have had with Synergy Skates. I know they can't be baked in a skate oven.

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The idea of this is to mould the skate to your foot making breaking in the skate less painfull

This might be what your looking for, though i dont know if the same can be achieved with a hot air gun or not because if you want to mould the whole boot than a heat gun will only heat a specific area of the boot

I'm not sure about heating synergy skates by the way because they are a one piece composite skate and that may differ from ussual heating techniques needed to do this

I also found this article which may help its about pain in the ankle while breaking in new skates its from epuck again so it has some adverts to buy some skate socks

Most blisters are caused by sock and lacing problems. There are other reasons, but these two cover about 90% of the problems. Try using two pairs of thin, wicking liner style socks when you skate (we sell a sock in the essentials area of our site called the Ultimate Skating Sock). Make sure they fit well with no wrinkling or bagging in any area of your foot. When you lace up, be sure to get the boot very snug in the area where it curves up so that your ankles are well supported. We do not recommend the "dunk" method as it is bad for some skates depending upon the construction. I would break them in the old fashioned way - but with really good socks and good snug lacing.

That is the worst thing you could do. If someone were to follow your suggestion they would ruin their $500+ skates. You can not bake a synergy skate.

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The idea of this is to mould the skate to your foot making breaking in the skate less painfull

This might be what your looking for, though i dont know if the same can be achieved with a hot air gun or not because if you want to mould the whole boot than a heat gun will only heat a specific area of the boot

I'm not sure about heating synergy skates by the way because they are a one piece composite skate and that may differ from ussual heating techniques needed to do this

I also found this article which may help its about pain in the ankle while breaking in new skates its from epuck again so it has some adverts to buy some skate socks

Most blisters are caused by sock and lacing problems. There are other reasons, but these two cover about 90% of the problems. Try using two pairs of thin, wicking liner style socks when you skate (we sell a sock in the essentials area of our site called the Ultimate Skating Sock). Make sure they fit well with no wrinkling or bagging in any area of your foot. When you lace up, be sure to get the boot very snug in the area where it curves up so that your ankles are well supported. We do not recommend the "dunk" method as it is bad for some skates depending upon the construction. I would break them in the old fashioned way - but with really good socks and good snug lacing.

That is the worst thing you could do. If someone were to follow your suggestion they would ruin their $500+ skates. You can not bake a synergy skate.

If you would have read what i had said fully you would have seen i said that i wasn't sure because a synergy skate is 1 piece composite skate

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>>>>Click Me<<<<

The idea of this is to mould the skate to your foot making breaking in the skate less painfull

This might be what your looking for, though i dont know if the same can be achieved with a hot air gun or not because if you want to mould the whole boot than a heat gun will only heat a specific area of the boot

I'm not sure about heating synergy skates by the way because they are a one piece composite skate and that may differ from ussual heating techniques needed to do this

I also found this article which may help its about pain in the ankle while breaking in new skates its from epuck again so it has some adverts to buy some skate socks

Most blisters are caused by sock and lacing problems. There are other reasons, but these two cover about 90% of the problems. Try using two pairs of thin, wicking liner style socks when you skate (we sell a sock in the essentials area of our site called the Ultimate Skating Sock). Make sure they fit well with no wrinkling or bagging in any area of your foot. When you lace up, be sure to get the boot very snug in the area where it curves up so that your ankles are well supported. We do not recommend the "dunk" method as it is bad for some skates depending upon the construction. I would break them in the old fashioned way - but with really good socks and good snug lacing.

That is the worst thing you could do. If someone were to follow your suggestion they would ruin their $500+ skates. You can not bake a synergy skate.

If you would have read what i had said fully you would have seen i said that i wasn't sure because a synergy skate is 1 piece composite skate

If you don't know, don't post. Bad info is worse than no info.

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I was told that the issue of the Syngery skates rubbing on the ankles can be fixed with taking a heat gun and using it on the skates. What exactly do you have to do??? How long do you leave the heat gun on the skates? What do you do after they are heated? Any info on this would be great. Thanks.

You only want to heat the upper ankle area on the skates, inside and out, and then put them on and tie as you normally would. I did this a couple of times with each skate and the pain problems went away.

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this whole article on epuck sounds alright i guess...id like to try it on my XXXs but i want to make sure from you guys that its ok?

I wouldn't try baking the Bauer Vapor skate line at home. From what I understand they can only be baked in a proper skate oven for 3 to 4 minutes. Just too risky when it means that messing it up can result in wrecked skates.

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i'd agree with that unless u've seen it done before and are confident doing it,

if you have an old pair of skates that you dont use you should probobly try it out on them first

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this whole article on epuck sounds alright i guess...id like to try it on my XXXs but i want to make sure from you guys that its ok?

Why not take them back to the shop where you bought them? They will do it for free in most cases.

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this whole article on epuck sounds alright i guess...id like to try it on my XXXs but i want to make sure from you guys that its ok?

Why not take them back to the shop where you bought them? They will do it for free in most cases.

Even if they don't, paying ten dollars is a lot more logical than paying 699 for a whole new set...

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they cahrge 30.00 US here :o

I charge $25 if they didn't buy the skates from me, free if they did.

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At our shop it's free with skates and you get 7 free sharpenings. I suggest buying all skates from a shop instead of online even if they are "cheaper". Without buying skates a bake is $20.

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you're prices are nothing where i live in the UK they charge £30 to bake skates and that is roughly $60 but basically everything in the UK to do with hockey is a rip off

eg.Nike v12

hockey giant £100-$199

my LHS £449-$900

The UK Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: And that is why i've risked getting Bauer 8090's from epuck even though im not sure on sizing

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At our shop it's free with skates and you get 7 free sharpenings. I suggest buying all skates from a shop instead of online even if they are "cheaper". Without buying skates a bake is $20.

I give 5 free sharpenings with new skates.

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yeh you just get a little slip of paper saying you bought skates from the arena and to let you go skating for 1 free session, its not like for life or anything its just once

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