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True1 availability

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I can't find a right-handed true1 mogilny at any of the online stores and none of the shops around philly carry inno. Anyone know where i could find one? Or should i just get a XXX to save the hassle?

Also did i read somewhere that there is a true1 grip?

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I was on all of those sites yesterday looking for an Inno True1 in a LH Hull retail pattern and I couldn't find that one either. All I could find were sticks in the Federov, Kovalev and/or Mogilny curves. Inno shows a lot more patterns on their site that I have yet to see anywhere.

I am trying to get a stick as close to my old Hespeler Alpha Nemesis Smyth pattern sticks as possible. Good luck in your search and let me know if you find some other place that sells more patterns.

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I dont think they made a hull true-1

I know they make a Hull blade as seen here:

Innovative Blades

Not sure if they offer the same blade in the True1.

No, I haven't tried calling Perani's yet as I was hoping I could find something more local if possible. I thought RDV up here had a couple of Innovatives at one time but I haven't called them yet. May need to make a run up to Orlando.

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peranis and 1800faceoff only have lefty, and epuck only has righty in a federov. guess i'll just go with a xxx

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Call Hockeygeeks, they were getting some of their New Inno stuff when I was there a few months back. I'm pretty sure the all-black True-1 is a grip version and the mixed (white/black) is the non.

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Get the XXX, it is in my opinion a better performing stick for the dangler/wrist shot forward. When I was looking for a true-one, it was a pain and a half trying to get one, and when I got a couple 1100's, I was disappointed in inno's own sticks.

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I can't find a right-handed true1 mogilny at any of the online stores and none of the shops around philly carry inno. Anyone know where i could find one? Or should i just get a XXX to save the hassle?

Also did i read somewhere that there is a true1 grip?

I have them at my store, 1248 738 4800

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One of the pro shops at one of the rinks here carry the Innovative True1. I haven't seen it sold anywhere else though. It retails for $199.99CDN which is pretty good.

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