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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Skates

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never tried the rollers, but i have a pair of s400's for ice, and I love them a lot...very very comfortable skate

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yeah people vary...i went one size down, some go same size, others half, it varies, but yes, the S400 is a really great skate...I love Mission products

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It's supposed to be true to shoe, not true to Sneaker, which alot of people mistake. I generally find adding a full size to the Bauer/Graf sizing does well.

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It's supposed to be true to shoe, not true to Sneaker, which alot of people mistake. I generally find adding a full size to the Bauer/Graf sizing does well.

Would you downsize even more from your sneaker size?...I'm just wondering because I wear an 8 sneaker and a 5.5 bauer.

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What I would do in you're case (assming an LHS is nowhere around to try them on) if go for a 6.5 Mission. I was a 10 sneaker and my feet are ideally an 8EEE shoe.

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It's supposed to be true to shoe, not true to Sneaker, which alot of people mistake. I generally find adding a full size to the Bauer/Graf sizing does well.

Would you downsize even more from your sneaker size?...I'm just wondering because I wear an 8 sneaker and a 5.5 bauer.

I'm the same way, I wear an 8 shoe and 5.5 Bauer. I think that you should go up to a 6.5 or at least a 6. It would be better to try them on, but I remember that you can't do that..

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Sorry if i confused anyone, I'm not looking to buy any Mission skates. I was just asking for any general brand if you would want to downsize even more from the "1 size smaller than shoe size..ect" rule, and I guess the answer is yes.

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I'm a half size up from Bauer in my S500s. The only way to know for sure is to be try them on, anything else is just a guess.

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Can you/me/us/anyone get Custom color(custom color of tongue, toe caps, boot) or just the size?

None of the above..We only offer custom sizing, specs, etc to pro players, college players, etc...


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