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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About the 05-06 Stick line-up

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Hey just wondering; what companies are the 05-06 generation of sticks gonna come from. i no about RBK etc dont message me about that. I'm talking about the ones coming out in fall/winter. Just wondering if ne1 has heard.

Ps How much are the Bauer Vapor 30's manufacturers price.

PPs 06 Synergy? :wub:

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Same companies are making sticks as they are now...and for the Vapor XXX its like $219.99 at The Hockey Shop since you live right there :D

And no word yet for this year's release,it's still early.

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I wouldn't expect a new stick from Easton in the fall. The Stealth is only a year old and the SL and the One are brand new. It just wouldn't make much sense for them to roll out another new stick.

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RBK left room for a 6k retail stick, I wouldn't be suprised if one cal out later in the season

i actually have that,its the same thing as a 5k stick,but it has pro feel coating and it has the rbk datsyuk curve on it they were 159.99 at my lhs

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chadd, what about that easton stick called "the one" or something like that. i remember there being a post on that a few weeks ago.

I believe I mentioned it about four posts before yours.

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I can forsee new synthesis versions along with z carbon/synthesis CNT blades for this fall as we've speculated about 100 times now.

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RBK left room for a 6k retail stick, I wouldn't be suprised if one cal out later in the season

i actually have that,its the same thing as a 5k stick,but it has pro feel coating and it has the rbk datsyuk curve on it they were 159.99 at my lhs

the 6k is not a retail stick (yet) Some stores may have pro stock 6k's but that's it for now.

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Thanks for that Chadd and yeah it does make sense that Easton probably wont come out with a new stick in the fall... But I can always hope that Bauer will come out with somethin newer... The vapors were good. My 5 is startin to suck now, and feels like its cracked and I have hardly used it. Anyone know how the 20's and 30's are for wear and tear? Also just so you know, glueballs seem overly common in vapor fives as many of my teammates have them in their vapor 5's as well.

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Thanks for that Chadd and yeah it does make sense that Easton probably wont come out with a new stick in the fall... But I can always hope that Bauer will come out with somethin newer... The vapors were good. My 5 is startin to suck now, and feels like its cracked and I have hardly used it. Anyone know how the 20's and 30's are for wear and tear? Also just so you know, glueballs seem overly common in vapor fives as many of my teammates have them in their vapor 5's as well.

The XXX came out late last season and the Endure and XX max grip are both new this season. How many new sticks do they need?

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the 6k is not a retail stick (yet) Some stores may have pro stock 6k's but that's it for now.

actually it wasnt a pro stock,it had a 30 day warranty on it

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for wear and and tear on the XX's. i had one and i loved the preformance and the durability isnt that great. the blade chipped within the first week and it broke if a month. a guy on my team had a VI and it lasted way longer thne my XX

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Yeah thats what I have heard, well if Bauer does come out with somethin new in the future, they should definitely make it a little more durable. Like how synergy has put out the ST and the cyclone... (I have had my cyclone for a long time 2 years or so and it's still workin as good as my synergy ). B)

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the 6k is not a retail stick (yet)  Some stores may have pro stock 6k's but that's it for now.

actually it wasnt a pro stock,it had a 30 day warranty on it

perhaps they offered some warranty on overstock pro models. The 6k is not in the RBK catalog and my sales rep has said nothing about the 6k being avail for sale. You may just have an odd one.

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