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New t'blade model?

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I have heard some rumors that a new model of T'blade holders is due out. Does anybody know anything about them and when we can expect them to hit the market?


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The new carbon holder will be lighter and stiffer than the current model. When I spoke to Dr Kunz at the show in Vegas, they were testing the new holder.

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Yeh i kept hearing people saying how they thought the holder was not stiff enough but i was just wondering what will the retail be on these(estimate) will they be alot more than the current t-blades or around about the same?

and when they come out will the current t-blades stop being made? :huh:

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i'd imagine that a holder made out of carbon fiber would be more expensive than a regular plastic (nylon?) holder. it's also something different, so t'blade is basically adding another model to their lineup just like how bauer has the lightspeed and the custom + (and the icm and yadda yadda) so i think they would keep the original tblade

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Here is some fresh info from t'blade's CEO. He is to busy to post here at the moment.

Carbon t'blade are currently introduced in Europe only (for now). Only sizes available for now are 272, 280, 288 with runners in S or M and 11, 13 and 15.

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hey you europe guys...

i was wondering if there a website where i can take a look at them...or even buy from them and be shipped to Canada...

2.Do you test them...hold them??if yes...how light are they?and do they look the same as the older model??pitch??how they are build?

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As far as I understood Dr. Kunz, there will be carb runners. I do not know if they are interchangeable with standard t'blade runners. I'll try to find out.

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* The t-blade carbon holder and runner are both compatible with the (conventional glass fiber) t-blade holder and runner, respectively.

* So you can keep your glass fiber holder and get a carbon runner for more torsional stiffness, or you can replace your glass fiber holder with a carbon holder (same hole pattern!) for even more torsional stiffness, and less weight.

* Please note that we offer only sizes 272, 280 and 288 so far.

* Runners are available in rockers S and M, and in hollows 11, 13, and 15 mm

* the Carbon product is available mainly through German pro shops

* see www.t-blade.com/carbon (sorry, in German)

* yes, the Carbon system is made of high tech carbon material, and the surface coating is add on!

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I've used like 3 holder in the past month.. and my favorite one is the LS2...

next is the T'BLADEs (i skated in them for 2 years now)

and after the prolite3...

But i can't really told why do i feel better in my LS2(could it be ...my profile(but my mainly problem with the LS was the Pitch..as for the rest 11 Radius and 13 cut...(nothing really special))

That why i'm asking you this....Could it be what you call a ''stiff holder'' or could it be the steel that bend(like the parabolic steel of easton)

Any idea please??

By the way, what the big deal by having a super stiff holder??

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By the way, what the big deal by having a super stiff holder??

Stiffer holder should have better power transfer.

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So these won't even be able to be special ordered from the US? I want to order the carbon holders, carbon blades, and a chrome stabilizer for my Mission S500s. Do you know of any shop in Germany that stocks all of these items?


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The picture of the Carbon Holder is the 4 hole, size 248. But they only offer it or make it in 272 and up. Strange!!! I guess the prototype of the smaller size is the one they took a pictue of.

Either way, I hope they make or paint one in white. The black holder definitely makes someone look slower. The all white looks best.

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I was talking to my LHS and they could order me in Chrome holders and metallic stabalizers in red or gold etc.... You can see them on the T'blade site

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    * Carbon-System: € 120,-

    * Carbon-Runner: € 18,-

How does that compare to the prices of the regular versions in Europe?

The conversion comes out to $144 and $21 US.

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I was talking to my LHS and they could order me in Chrome holders and metallic stabalizers in red or gold etc.... You can see them on the T'blade site

Damn you are a lucky, how come you can get the europe version??

I found a site a while back...selling t'blade color (europe version) holder and stab...price was pretty decent...but damn the shop was in UK...shipping would have killed me and the time to get to me...

So i pass..

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I was talking to my LHS and they could order me in Chrome holders and metallic stabalizers in red or gold etc.... You can see them on the T'blade site

Damn you are a lucky, how come you can get the europe version??

I found a site a while back...selling t'blade color (europe version) holder and stab...price was pretty decent...but damn the shop was in UK...shipping would have killed me and the time to get to me...

So i pass..

Well i was talking to my LHS and t'blade Canada both, and my LHS shop said t'blade Canada was going to order some more and they would be able to get some for me. I was going to put them on my XXX but decided to stick with LS2's

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funny...i was in the same boat as you...i bought a pair of tblade thinking i would put them on my skate but i finally choose to stick with the LS2...cost less..

So you are saying T,BLADE CANADA have europe combinations?? i should go see my LHS then...

interesting stuff

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    * Carbon-System: € 120,-

    * Carbon-Runner: € 18,-

How does that compare to the prices of the regular versions in Europe?

The conversion comes out to $144 and $21 US.

Retail price for standard runners in Germany is 12 €, thus the carb runners are 50% more. As for the System I am not sure. If I remember correctly, the standard system retails for around 100 €, so the carb system is approx. +20%.

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