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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Concussions anyone?

How many concussions have you had (hockey related)?  

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Just for the record I have played hockey for over ten years (started when I was 6) so I have an large collection of concussions. I am not talking about ow, I-took-a-slapshot-to-the-face-and-now-I-have-a-headache concussions. I am talkin Tucker on Sami Kapanen concussions, or where your teeth are knocked down your throat and you black out soon after (happened to me... :angry: {Fake teeth rule!}). So you get the point. How many have you had?

PS: I am gonna go with 5-10 concussions...

PPS Nothin to be excited about, they hurt like a *****... So if you haven't had any, you're not missing out on much...

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Easy on the emoticons. You don't need smiley faces as part of the answers and I don't want to have to edit them again. The multiple concussions do explain some of it though.

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im at 5 ,2 were serious ,the one i just had i was out about 2 months and i dont think i woulda gotten it if i hadnt of had one 2 weeks before ,didnt have a helmet with hard gel packs(found out after) and had my mouthguard in

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First came playing rugby in Junior High. I suffered with monthly migraines that made me mostly blind for an hour, for 3 years.

Second came playin Junior in my rookie year. Head rattled off the glass after I got hammered watching my pass. I think that one would have been just a headache had I not suffered the first.

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Wow it looks like lots of people had some bad concussions, especially headonaswivel (nice name btw). My worst one was in Playoffs, hit from behind (don't those suck?) going into the boards, landed headfirst. Th ironic thing is that it was the only game that season (and other seasons to come) that I didn't wear my mouth gaurd. Well let's say when you swallow you're own tooth, you learn your lesson. I was out from the time that I hit the boards until probably about 10 seconds later, when I woke up and there was a shitload of people around me as im on the ice bleedin everywhere.

Man that sucked.

PS If you get a tooth snapped in half, the only pain you're gonna feel is the air touchint the nerve, don't worry about how your heads gonna feel... :(

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PS If you get a tooth snapped in half, the only pain you're gonna feel is the air touchint the nerve, don't worry about how your heads gonna feel... :(

That year in Junior we lost 3 guys to concussions. One was really bad. He couldn't process quick on ice thoughts in praccy when he first came back, so he became "Mash Potato brain." I love hockey nicknames....

As for the tooth, its very true. I snapped one playing with some buddies in the minors. Wind stings like hell.

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ive only had one cause of a stupid mistake i made. i came frombehind the net and thought the gut would go wide and cut me off but instead he hit me straight on at full speed. i was just lucky i had my mouthgard in. haha

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I'm not sure how many concussions I've had as I've never had my bell rung bad enough to seek medical attention.

I have had my bell rung and been foggy & slow afterwards, though.

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I had my first when I caught a pass with my head down and my teammate (it was practice) was coming at me. My head hit his chest and spit literally flew out of my mouth....lol. I was seeing flashes of light or "stars" and I was dizzy. My head hurt like hell for a couple days but then I was ok.

My second one happened when I got elbowed in the jaw going in front of the net.....total cheap shot.

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I think i'm quite fortunate to not have had any, a few 2 on ones against me where i have come out the better, a few fat kids flying into me (literally) where i have been dizzy for a few seconds.

It must have been my superb on ice balance that did it

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PS If you get a tooth snapped in half, the only pain you're gonna feel is the air touchint the nerve, don't worry about how your heads gonna feel...  :(

That year in Junior we lost 3 guys to concussions. One was really bad. He couldn't process quick on ice thoughts in praccy when he first came back, so he became "Mash Potato brain." I love hockey nicknames....

As for the tooth, its very true. I snapped one playing with some buddies in the minors. Wind stings like hell.

I had one get snapped off when I was a kid and I had to wait three days to see a dentist with the nerve flapping in the breeze. A couple weeks ago I had a puck hit the same tooth and I think I'm going to have to get it replaced with a completely fake one now.

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2 from snowboarding, 1 from hockey

The first one I got was in Vail, I woke up in the hospital.

My hockey concussion, I went for the puck along the boards after a faceoff and the defensemen blindsided me.

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When I was like 9, we had to go play in the parking lot for recess, and I slipped on black ice, and i was crying my guts out, and the teacher comes over and says 'that's what you get for playing on ice.' I go inside, I can't read the board street, I go to the hospital and I have a mild concussion. Needless to say, that teacher felt bad.....

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