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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Coffey Curve... Unique?

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I've used the Sherwood Coffey pattern since my high school days, pretty much just because it was the most common curve on the ol' cheap Featherlights I got at my LHS. Over time I got stuck on it. Lots of people around here seem to love the pattern (lower New York) but as much as I've looked, I've had a very hard time finding patterns from other manufacturers that have the same curve, lie, closed face, and wicked mid-curve. The only other blade was the "Billie Mac" curve from Vic... whatever a Billie Mac is.

Anyway, the question is wether anyone knows of any other patterns that are exact matches and if, overall the Coffey pattern still sells well cause if Sherwood stops making it, it's gonna be a steep learning curve (pun intended) for me to get used to something new...


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i used a coffey curve for 15 years but out in cali they were becoming hard to find. so the closest thing i found and now use is the mission m-1 leopold but now these r very hard to find.. WHY MISSION!!!

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i used a coffey curve for 15 years but out in cali they were becoming hard to find. so the closest thing i found and now use is the mission m-1 leopold but now these r very hard to find.. WHY MISSION!!!

Man, here in Calgary you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a stick with a Coffey curve when you're in a mainstream sporting goods store.

Personally, I hate the curve. It's just too huge for me to use as I'm really used to open heel curves now.

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Good to hear it's still going strong, my addiction to the Coffey curve is probably the #1 reason I've never tried a OPS. I'm not abot to drop $150 on a stick that doesn't have my curve.

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momentum or eclipse

<sticks fingers in his ears and closes eyes and pretends he never read that>

"I can't hear you! lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you! lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you! lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you!"

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