dddatsyuk--48 0 Report post Posted June 16, 2005 Hiits that time again....yesits time to think about college!!so since i have no college experience what so ever ...i wanted to ask some of yall college people about itwhat college do u go to??how is college??and finally...what are three tips to success???thanks :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
this guy 0 Report post Posted June 16, 2005 1.) University of Colorado @ Boulder2.) Awesome. The best time of your life.3.) DO NOT DRINK THE PUNCH, drink beer often, study often, come into college with an open mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted June 16, 2005 1) Just graduated Vanderbilt2) Great times, but if they're going to be the best ones ever I'll take a gun please.3) As stated, come in with an open-mind and ready to try new things. Be ready to study, it's very easy to get caught up in distractions. Don't room with anyone whose last name you can't pronounce. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JGraz15 53 Report post Posted June 16, 2005 1) The Ohio State University2) College is a good time. Appreciate it as it goes by too fast.3) Find a right mix of studying and life. Don't do ugly, fat chicks (unless that is your thing). Pick a major you can make some money in so you don't have to live with your parents after college. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eazy_b97 1 Report post Posted June 16, 2005 Hiits that time again....yesits time to think about college!!so since i have no college experience what so ever ...i wanted to ask some of yall college people about itwhat college do u go to??how is college??and finally...what are three tips to success???thanks :P 1.McMaster University2. Great, but the work is alot more difficult than in High School3. a) Set aside study times (I like to take the time inbetween classes) B) Go into a res even if its your home college pay for it and enjoy itc) Start thinking about your major right now, the jobs that can come from it, the money you are looking at and the availability of those jobs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted June 16, 2005 what are three tips to success??? A friend of mine gave me one of the best pieces of advice for success.He said, "The key to success is sincerity. When you can fake that, you've got it made....." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted June 16, 2005 1. University Of Central Florida2. It's good as long as you're motivated3. As Eazy said, live the college life. If you're a commuter student, it sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UMWhockey 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 University of Mary WashingtonCollege is what you make of it. If you want to do nothing but party or nothing but school work then you will only get half of the college expirence. College is not really about what you learn in the classroom, but learning how to balance your life between work and fun.as far as tips, try to introduce yourself to all your professors. Go to them for any help you might need, not only do they know the subject, but probly have connections to get you a job once you graduate.woo hoo... finaly got to 100 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
denverbronco86 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 1.) The University of Arizona.2.) College is great, for some reason, you become faster friends with the people you meet here than at any other time in your life (Up to that point I guess).3.) Keep an open mind, don't forget the importance of actually studying the mounds of material, and don't ever forget to have fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper15 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 1.) University of Colorado @ Boulder2.) Awesome. The best time of your life.3.) DO NOT DRINK THE PUNCH, drink beer often, study often, come into college with an open mind. Do you currently attend CU? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
headonaswivel 1 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 University Of Alberta. Now attempting at 25 to start a BComm at UBC.I learned so damn much in those ...more than 5 years. Much more as to how to be a man than how to answer tests.But pick a degree you are gonna stick with, or be ready to transfer and suck it up.Live in res. Get involved, dont be the guy who sits in his room. (shit, dont be the guy who can't ever find it either). Try studying, I guess it worked for others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2048 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 BUIt's good now that I'm out of Business school. Don't just pick a major wit ha future, pick a major you can enjoy. Business school could have gotten me a job right out of college, but the major was torture and I hated school for a semester because of it, so don't make that mistake. If you like Business, however, go for it.Tips...buy some febreeze and find a place to air out your hockey equipment. Most roommates suck at life when it comes to dealing with hockey stink. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zingbergeur 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 1. Michigan State University.2. I have a lot of fun, but most of it isn't like what you see in movies. Sure, you can find the crazy parties and whatnot...but it gets real old (for most of us) after the freshmen year. 3. It isn't high school anymore, so don't worry too much about your image. Definately live away from home. It is a great experience. Dealing with roommates sucks, but you learn a lot. I've heard it is bad to live with close friends, and I think that has some merit. Don't go crazy just because you don't live with your parents anymore. Be independent and not immature. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 I've heard it is bad to live with close friends, and I think that has some merit. Anybody else found this to be true? Its what I'm doing next year. I've heard people say that it'll ruin our friendship and that we'll end up hating each other, but I've never heard it from anyone who its actually happened to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hocckey77 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 I've heard it is bad to live with close friends, and I think that has some merit. Anybody else found this to be true? Its what I'm doing next year. I've heard people say that it'll ruin our friendship and that we'll end up hating each other, but I've never heard it from anyone who its actually happened to. My school newspaper had something about going to college on the last day the senoirs were there. The article did say not to live w/ a close friend. They also went on to say that you should meet all your professors and when you study do it in a library so you don't get sidetracked. It also mentioned to talk to your roommate before hand so you can chose what to bring( i.e. TV).I don't get to experience that for another 2 years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PBRyan 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 I've heard it is bad to live with close friends, and I think that has some merit. Anybody else found this to be true? Its what I'm doing next year. I've heard people say that it'll ruin our friendship and that we'll end up hating each other, but I've never heard it from anyone who its actually happened to. I think for guys it isn't that true. Last year I lived with 5 of my closest friends and we didn't have any problems a part from typical roomate squabbles. We got in some arguments over annoying girlfriends, taking each others food/ alcohol, and our overall mess, but other than that it was a great time. It is coll to live with your close buddies because you don't have to call each other up to go out/hang out, everyone is always their. I am actually doing it again this year. I do think for girls it is much different (they hold grudges for much longer..in my experience anyways, don't say what is on their mind, PMS, nag, etc.) as opposed to guys who let things blow over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gongshow11 1 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 1-SUNY Brockport2-It's as much fun as you make of it, and you need to study. put in mad hours second semester and was put on dean's list, so even if your bddies are boozing, dont get caught up when u dont have to.3-hockey, beer, broads Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megamandan 0 Report post Posted June 17, 2005 1-SUNY Brockport2-It's as much fun as you make of it, and you need to study. put in mad hours second semester and was put on dean's list, so even if your bddies are boozing, dont get caught up when u dont have to.3-hockey, beer, broads My cousin goes there and has the greatest things to say about it. Oh and don't have anonamous unprotected sex there, HUGE STD rating. For the record don't have unprotected anonamous sex period it saves a lot of trouble. (not direct toward you yglod, towards everyone but thats pritty much a given fact not to do that) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
this guy 0 Report post Posted June 18, 2005 1.) University of Colorado @ Boulder2.) Awesome. The best time of your life.3.) DO NOT DRINK THE PUNCH, drink beer often, study often, come into college with an open mind. Do you currently attend CU? Yes I do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gongshow11 1 Report post Posted June 18, 2005 1-SUNY Brockport2-It's as much fun as you make of it, and you need to study. put in mad hours second semester and was put on dean's list, so even if your bddies are boozing, dont get caught up when u dont have to.3-hockey, beer, broads My cousin goes there and has the greatest things to say about it. Oh and don't have anonamous unprotected sex there, HUGE STD rating. For the record don't have unprotected anonamous sex period it saves a lot of trouble. (not direct toward you yglod, towards everyone but thats pritty much a given fact not to do that) umm ya about that shit...whats ur cousins name? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper15 0 Report post Posted June 18, 2005 1.) University of Colorado @ Boulder2.) Awesome. The best time of your life.3.) DO NOT DRINK THE PUNCH, drink beer often, study often, come into college with an open mind. Do you currently attend CU? Yes I do. I'm considering going there do you mind if I PM you some questions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megamandan 0 Report post Posted June 18, 2005 whats ur cousins name? AJ A'mico Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
this guy 0 Report post Posted June 19, 2005 1.) University of Colorado @ Boulder2.) Awesome. The best time of your life.3.) DO NOT DRINK THE PUNCH, drink beer often, study often, come into college with an open mind. Do you currently attend CU? Yes I do. I'm considering going there do you mind if I PM you some questions? Go right ahead. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kevinbelt 0 Report post Posted June 19, 2005 1. the ohio state university. 2. college is great. you hear stories/see movies about guys who hang around for like ten years...there's a reason. 3. take advantage of your opportunities. colleges offer all sorts of stuff - guest lectures, concerts, art exhibits, etc. there's something to do pretty much every night of the week, no matter how small your college is. do it. as for living with friends, it depends on what kind of person you are. me, i'm a messy bastard, so people tend to get pretty angry at me after a while. if you're easy to live w/, it shouldn't be hard.-k Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Neo5370 132 Report post Posted June 19, 2005 Biggest difference I noticed from highschool was (if living on campus or at least away from home) the amazing amount of freedom.Also keep in mind you'll be meeting lots of new people and making a lot of new friends, whether you're the outgoing type or not. At least that's the way I felt, and i think it was a good thing.As for living w/ close friends it depends on how much you really respect each other and how much privacy you have. I lived for two years in a rented house w/ some of my best friends and no one really stepped on any toes cuz at the end of the day we had our own rooms to go to.Needless to say the problems came from common areas (dirty living room, no one does the dishes, someone accidentally eats that pizza you were saving, the bathroom's a mess, etc.)- Univ. of Rhode Island (recent grad)- I personally found the classes to be cakewalks, more tedious than anything but I guess that depends on how hard your prof's drive you, your major and how much you want to put into it. i.e.) some profs only grade you on 2 exams the whole semester, others want weekly reading/hmwk assignments- Drink, party, befriend all women you come into contact w/, but don't let any of that get in the way of schoolwork, safety (drunk driving/std's), and hockey of course! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites