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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shop suggestions

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I am about to make my first online purchase, a pair of skates (high end, either graf 705, vapor XXX or 8090). I have spoken to a few shops, wonder what everyone thinks of the following online stores. your suggestions and commenst will help me purchase. Price is important but customer service and getting what i want more so:







any help is appreciated

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What they said. Have fun having someone tell you over the phone to "go 1.5 sizes down from shoe size for Bauer" only to find that your 8090s are two sizes too big.

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I'll echo what everyone above me has said and say buy locally. If you're like me and you can't do that, I'd say go for Cyclone Taylor. I've dealt with them a lot over the years and they are always very helpful, especially with returns. On the other hand, I'd stay clear of Hockey Giant. I tried to return some stuff from there a couple years ago and they were real asses to me. They won't be getting my business any time soon.

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You don't get true "customer service" over the 'net. If you have shops within a reasonable driving distance, I'd hit them up and try on the skates, because as some of the guys already said, they all fit differently, and the shop workers should be able to help you pick the best skate FOR YOU.

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also don't forget your LHS price includes services like sharpening, heat molding, and adjustments that you don't get from the "isellhockey equipmentoutofmygarage.com" places. Those extras are worth about $50.

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What they said. Have fun having someone tell you over the phone to "go 1.5 sizes down from shoe size for Bauer" only to find that your 8090s are two sizes too big.

I wear a 10.5 shoe. I tried on a 9.5 8090 and it was too small. Go figure.

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