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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drury Curve

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they have different lies aswell

Personally, I didn't find the transition from the Crosby to the Drury all that difficult. I actually think the Crosby is closer to 5.25 than it is to 5.

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If you want a Drury, just to test, use that. It'll get you a general feel for the curve. I'll try and get up my Crosby vs. Drury comparison tomorrow.

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they have different lies aswell

Personally, I didn't find the transition from the Crosby to the Drury all that difficult. I actually think the Crosby is closer to 5.25 than it is to 5.

Crosby has a lie of 6. And Drury is 5 or 5.5 I think.

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Drurys a great curve.I know someone asked about saucer passes, and I think its very easy. Also i need some help!!Is The inno kovalev and EXACT clone of the drury? And does anyone know were i can get a inno kovalev taperd RH blade at??????

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5.5 for the Drury, but my Crosby is alot more like a 5.25 as opposed to the 6 lie it has marked on the shaft.

Thanks! Now I know I'm not crazy in regards to those patterns.

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Right. :rolleyes: Follow through low with your hands turned over while snapping the puck and tell me what happens. You need strong wrists to use the Drury. Not following all the way through is just robbing yourself of velocity.

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Drurys a great curve.I know someone asked about saucer passes, and I think its very easy. Also i need some help!!Is The inno kovalev and EXACT clone of the drury? And does anyone know were i can get a inno kovalev taperd RH blade at??????

not it is not EXACTLY the same. it has a little higher lie, a little longer blade, and a little different curve. but it is probably as close as you can get w/o being a carbon copy....read: its pretty damn close...but the lie threw me off when i used it.

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Wouldnt it be closer to a lids then?

Minor, Minor differences. It sounds like a Lidstrom, but most of the things he mentioned are things you notice as you play, not by looking. Really difficult to tell the difference.

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