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Pistons vs Spurs

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Close game going on right now. Who is everybody rootin for? I say the Pistons will win tonight, but lose game 7. I love the Pistons, but I honestly don't think they can win two in a row on the road. Any thoughts?

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i agree with you 100% notorious#29. i think they are gonna with the fisrt game in san antonio, but they will most likley lose the 7th. its not very likely because they are away and the sa fans are gonna be bad

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this is posted duringthe 3rd quarter of game 7. i hope SA wins so i don't have to listen to all the "we get no respect" banter from piston fans. i hear it everyday i live in the "D". but honostly who cares. we lost the NHL to a bunch of greedy owners and players. if the pistons win darko milalic (doesn't play, det's last guy off the bench) for mvp.

det up 2

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Amazing how I watched the last 5 minutes of game 6 and would rather play go fish with my grandmother.

It's like that with every basketball game. The teams foul and foul and foul, and it takes 20 min to play the final few minutes.

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Amazing how I watched the last 5 minutes of game 6 and would rather play go fish with my grandmother.

It's like that with every basketball game. The teams foul and foul and foul, and it takes 20 min to play the final few minutes.

Yeah, I remember some of the NCAA final games and the last 2 minutes of the game take like 10.

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Amazing how I watched the last 5 minutes of game 6 and would rather play go fish with my grandmother.

It's like that with every basketball game. The teams foul and foul and foul, and it takes 20 min to play the final few minutes.

Well at that point if they are fouling and fouling its already over anyways...

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Amazing how I watched the last 5 minutes of game 6 and would rather play go fish with my grandmother.

same here , b-ball is pointless

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