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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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most painful off ice injury

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about 2 years ago me and 2 friends were playing street hockey and one climbed on top of the net and 2 handed me on top of the head really really hard. Luckily i was wearing a helmet so no big injurie it just hurt a hell of a lot. I got him back thought about 3 weeks later i nailed him in the pills

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Got kicked square in the junk once. He really wound up and must've lifted me. It was one..............ferocious.............kick.

Most pain I've been in my whole life and that was like 18 years ago.

My so called friend did that to me, he just randomnly kicked me in the balls, I jsut sat there feeling like I needed to cry for 5 minutes. Kicking people or punching people in the balls is the cheapest, dirtiest thing of all time, and no person should have to bear with that excruciating pain.

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ok me and a buddy of mine were playin on his outdoor rink last winter and we were doin tips well beingthe dumbass that i am i tipped one right into my nuts....and that shot was a rocket.

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about 2 years ago me and 2 friends were playing street hockey and one climbed on top of the net and 2 handed me on top of the head really really hard. Luckily i was wearing a helmet so no big injurie it just hurt a hell of a lot. I got him back thought about 3 weeks later i nailed him in the pills

WTF kind of freind is that? why did he two hand you?

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Coaching a peewee rec league team a few years ago, one of the kids wanted to bounce the puck off the boards in front of our bench but it went a little high & hit me square in the boys.

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During the winter a few years back me and a few buddies were playin hockey on a home made rink. Well one time in the game i let go a pretty hard slapper with one of the orange pucks when it was like -14 degrees outside. After I took the shot I picked up the rebound and stuck it top shelf for the hell of it. Now he wears a cup for sure haha.

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this didnt happen to me but it was one of the grossest things ive ever seen. we where playing street hockey in my driveway, and one of my friends came out from behind the net and the goalie tryed to lift his stick, he missed his stick and got him in the chops, his two front teeth split in half and where laying on my driveway. it was gross, he picked up his teeth ran home and went to the hospital.

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this didnt happen to me but it was one of the grossest things ive ever seen. we where playing street hockey in my driveway, and one of my friends came out from behind the net and the goalie tryed to lift his stick, he missed his stick and got him in the chops, his two front teeth split in half and where laying on my driveway. it was gross, he picked up his teeth ran home and went to the hospital.

exact same thing. we continued playign tho. first tiem kid looked hard in his life

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Ya, I broke my front tooth in half playin floor hockey in gym. I was taking the puck down the court and some dumbass thought it'd be cool to stick his stick out and trip me. So I fell right on my mouth and spit my front tooth out.

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ok me and a buddy of mine were playin on his outdoor rink last winter and we were doin tips well beingthe dumbass that i am i tipped one right into my nuts....and that shot was a rocket.

ouch, i had a puck tipped into my shins on ice with the real puck wearing only jeans and i thought that hurt :o

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ok me and a buddy of mine were playin on his outdoor rink last winter and we were doin tips well beingthe dumbass that i am i tipped one right into my nuts....and that shot was a rocket.

ouch, i had a puck tipped into my shins on ice with the real puck wearing only jeans and i thought that hurt :o

thats ok, this past year in practice we where working the PP and I'm a defencemen and I moved down to about to the top of the circle. My partner gave me a good pass so i one-timed it. i dont know why but the coach was standing there and I SMOKED him on the top of the foot. after practice he could barly get his skate off. I felt bad for it.

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Well me and my friends were racing bikes and there was a turn at the next driveway i turned and went into th ditch. Did a face plant scent 4 bottom teeth threw my lip. Chiped one and later that year had 3 root canales and a tooth capped. I was 9 the stiches hurt but the needle always hurt more. It cost my parents a 1000$ big ones they were not happy.

Oh and in BFS this year its a lifting program in my school for football players 7th hour i was having a bench off with another kid for the win and there was 11 grader spotting me but the football coach was making jokes and i was lifting 255 went to push her up and WAM couldnt do it and landed right on my nose and left eyesocket it was on there for about 9 seconds which feels like a eternity when something is crushing your nose. Didnt break it but messed it up when i move it now i can her cracking. Gave me the biggest headache every for a week.

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about 2 years ago me and 2 friends were playing street hockey and one climbed on top of the net and 2 handed me on top of the head really really hard. Luckily i was wearing a helmet so no big injurie it just hurt a hell of a lot. I got him back thought  about  3 weeks later i nailed him in the pills

WTF kind of freind is that? why did he two hand you?

cause he's a moran and he thought it would be funny, that kid is always doing stupid shit he's a real dumbass but now i'm not really his friend any more,

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