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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike skate

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When i has at my LHS, i always have a feeling that Nike/Bauer make the stiffer skate out there(well except synergy!)

Do after some time,they get a little bit softer??...do they break easily and get soft after 1 month??any advice please!

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I'm on my second pair of V-12's (Nike top of the line for the past two years, and functionally very similar to the Flexlite 12) and have had absolutely no problem breaking either pair in. Good, comfy skate.

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do they felt apart after 1 season?? or they can stay stiff for a good time??

mine have stayed nice and sturdy, but not too stiff (v-12's). they should stay stiff for a while.

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Wow, I ve had my v-12's since January skating almost 4-5 times a week and they hsow no signs of giving up...What a great pair of skates :)

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im not raggin on nike or anything like that, to tell you the truth, i loved the skates more than anything else i have ever worn. they just arent a durable skate. but then again, the definition of the word durable is taking a new meaning in the hockey world these days

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I dunno bout you guys but most gear lasts a decent amount of time under the one doctorine......"Air out your gear!" Leaving your newly purchased skates in the wet condition you find them in over and over aint good. Bacteria form little cities very quickly in skates and with that a very quick state of decay.

Sure using your skates 6 times a week is gonna eat into them hella quick, but alittle bit of care never hurts and can only extend the lifespan of your Nike's and everyone knows the old wallet will thank you for that.

I have been skating on my Roller Daddys and V-12's for almost a yr now, for a month of the year Im using them every day! So far they are holding up well, I can forsee the Roller Daddy's eating away into nothing soon. As I use them the most but we're talking about 9 months until death! Not a bad prognosis If I do say so myself.

Yes indeedy I will be upgrading to Flexlites very soon. :)

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