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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone like chinese food....

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I'm in a weird mood today....it's Friday.  Hope you enjoy!  cut and paste


Yeah, don't forget we're all bad drivers and really good at math too. :angry:

Yeah that was racial to an extent.I didn't laugh let alone smile...

I had a couple asian friends over and they laughed at it..... But I guess it is a bit offensive if you want to look at it that way.

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I'm in a weird mood today....it's Friday.  Hope you enjoy!  cut and paste


Yeah, don't forget we're all bad drivers and really good at math too. :angry:

Yeah that was racial to an extent.I didn't laugh let alone smile...

I had a couple asian friends over and they laughed at it..... But I guess it is a bit offensive if you want to look at it that way.

It wasn't meant to offend. Sorry.

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I'm chinese and I laughed hysterically after I saw it...I showed it to a bunch of other asian friends and they laughed too, but then again were canadian born.

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am chinese as well... doesnt bother me a bit... in fact, thats something i wanna try as well... besides dog of course.

Thanks guys....

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that was pretty funny...

heres another link for you guys

http://www.tourettesguy.com/videos.htm you cant help but feel bad for the guy, but it's still pretty funny...WARNING-LANGUAGE INVOLVED

That is so funny! I have never heard that much swearing from one person in my life, but I was on the floor laughing. Especially the one when he is brushing his teeth, and the one where he's like:

(Loud bang)

Tourettes guy: What the hell was that!

His Wife: your Son just fell down the stairs!

Tourettes guy: WELL QUIT IT!

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that was pretty funny...

heres another link for you guys

http://www.tourettesguy.com/videos.htm    you cant help but feel bad for the guy, but it's still pretty funny...WARNING-LANGUAGE INVOLVED

That is so funny! I have never heard that much swearing from one person in my life, but I was on the floor laughing. Especially the one when he is brushing his teeth, and the one where he's like:

(Loud bang)

Tourettes guy: What the hell was that!

His Wife: your Son just fell down the stairs!

Tourettes guy: WELL QUIT IT!

It's embarrassing as F*** to have a A**!!!

You're 93 years old and you don't know who Alf is? Piece of crap.

I love my Grandma Jenelle, she's the sweetest person in the entire world, and God bless her, BUT SHE'S OLD AS F***

I can go on forever...love that website

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