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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good feeling Composite Shaft?

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Is there a shaft that has the same feel as a wood stick? I've been using a cut XN10/wood combo for quite some time, but have switched back and forth with the sherwood 5030 just because it feels a lot better (less "clanky"); plus the balance is much better. It would be amazing to have a wood-feeling stick with a tuned flex. Also, would there be anything I could do to improve the feel of the shaft? Like fill it with like silicone or something (trying to copy Easton...I've never used the Si-Core in my life though)?

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get a tps genesis shaft, ive never tried one but i held my friends and it feels like a wood stick , but maybe some one else here can tell you more.

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I have a Genisis, the feel isnt much better. I think the friend was reffering to the way it felt in his hands and not feel for the puck. Its solid and durable but dosnt do much for feel.

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Whooah buddy. Filling your shaft w/ silicon is nothing like the Si-Core concept.

What flex is your XN10?

I think a standard shaft w/ bit of flex, and a light wood blade to balance it out should give you what you're looking for.

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silicon? its not a boob job... some sticks have a piece of foam down the shaft...

a lot of people like the innovative blades...

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I think the friend was reffering to the way it felt in his hands and not feel for the puck. Its solid and durable but dosnt do much for feel.

yeah but if you put a si core z carbon , or wood blade in there , its like a composite shaft but everything feels like wood

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inno shafts have the best feel of any composite ive used. get an 1100 standard with a wood blade you should be set. mission feel isnt half bad either...a somewhat flexibel m2 would probably give similar results. bauer shafts arent bad but theyre inno to begin with, along with hespeler. easton has a few shafts with decent feel and some with awful feel. ultra lite series (UL, UL grip, griplite when it existed) all had fairly good feel for comp shafts. synthesis isnt that bad either its basically a tapered UL, i find z bubble to be very clicky and fragile feeling tho. tps shafts are so light now that it sometimes feels like the puck weighs more than your stick when youre stickhandling. redlite xn10 is fine but r2 xn10 is very clicky. a whippier shaft has softer feel, but it might be harder to do other things you wanna do with it

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If you find yourself going back to the 5030, why not stick w/ what works?

If you want to play w/ the flex, you can find stiffer wood sticks like the 9950 or intermediate wood sticks online.

Though if you want to go comp. I stand by my suggestion of a standard shaft in the flex you want and a light wood blade to balance it out (maybe a bauer 1000, SW 950 or 530, L'ville X-Lite, etc. wood blade for example).

Tapered shaft can feel good, but if you want it to feel like a wood stick go standard cuz wood sticks aren't tapered. That's MO.

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easton has a few shafts with decent feel and some with awful feel. ultra lite series (UL, UL grip, griplite when it existed) all had fairly good feel for comp shafts. synthesis isnt that bad either its basically a tapered UL,

. redlite xn10 is fine but r2 xn10 is very clicky. a whippier shaft has softer feel, but it might be harder to do other things you wanna do with it

1) No, the Synthesis isn't.

2) I realize it's just your opinion, but the R2Xn10 is the least clicky Shaft I have used. And a whippier shaft doesn't necessarily have softer feel.

As for the original question, I really don't understand how you fwould find a shaft that "feels" good. The blade makes all the difference in the world.

Get a RL Xn10 with a Sherwood 950 blade with the curve you like right now, and you'll be set.

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there is nooo better feeling than a 100 flex Easton T-flex shaft with any all wood blade in it. my last blade was a short hosoul bauer lindros blade. it was my fantasy stick untill i snapped it on some stupid kid. it actually has very similar feel to an all wood stick, or atleast my sherwood 9950 spezzas that i used to use. i'm also a fan of the graf, or busch, laser stick. they have alot of feel also for a one piece!

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would the wood siding of the tricore/genesis actually make the shaft feel better though?

by the way I've been looking for a t-flex for a long time in 85...at a reasonable price anyways

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I've used hundreds of different shafts and the best thing you can hope for is that they don't have a bad feel. You will be able to tell right away with those. Blades have much more to do with puck feel than the shaft. if you're using a z-carbon blade, the puck feel will be off. Same if you use an X-1 or Vapor X blade. Go with a good wood blade and any mid-high level shaft and you will be fine.

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I have used most of the shafts listed above. I have to say that Busch Silver Line probably has the best feel for the puck. Its very light and has a great feel.

If you can find one I say go for it.

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where did you get your busch silverline, and how much was it ponty. i have been looking for one of these sticks for a while now. no luck .

also, can you post a pic or 2 ?

thanks alot

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