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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heat Gun

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Hey guys i was what brand/make/model of heat gun do most of the modsquaders here use. I own 2 piece sticks and even though my LHS can attach my blades for free, it'd be pretty nice to learn how to attach/remove blades by myself. :)

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any heat gun will do the job. I use a Canadian tire one and it's working pretty well. Search a little bit, I'm pretty someone had asked the same question than you or similar.

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Is there any reason to use a specialized heat gun and not a blow dryer ? Heat guns seem to cost much more than most blow dryers, and heat guns seem to be lower wattage to boot.

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Electric Stoves are great for changing blades. If you do just don't overheat it too much on one side or you could weaken your shaft.

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I've been using my dads heat gun for the last 10 years, but I heard craft stores were pretty good to grab a small heat gun.

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i used my stove once and overheated it and my shaft bent in half like paper

I let it heat for about 45 seconds on high and then heat up the glue. When the glue is warm I apply it to the blade. I stick the blade in about 1/2 inch and then put the shaft and blade on the stove. After about 30 seconds on the stove I put the blade in all the way. If you flex your stick when the glue to still warm your bond will break. Don't flex your stick for at least 30 minutes.

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I got one from Home Depot - $24.95. Before that I just used my stove.


Same here. I think mine is a Milwuakee.

Ditto. Stove was fine, but sometimes would leave scorch marks or if using to bend wood blades could catch the laminant on fire.

None of the above has been a problem since getting the Milwaukee from Home Depot. Mine was about $25 bucks as well. WAAAYYYYY better than trying to use a hair dryer (as someone mentioned before, hair dryer would take tons of time longer). For a frame of reference, I think I read that a hair dryer is something like 90 to 150 degrees, where as the Milwaukee ranges from 130 to 1000 depending on the setting.

Plus.... it's built so that it can stand up on it's own (i.e., it will point at something like a 15% angle from being straight up so you can heat things hands free)

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I just use a torch. 30 seconds and the blade comes out very easily. If you let the flame hit the same spot for a couple seconds, it will burn the shaft.

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It's very rare(I've never did it) that you have to change your blade between period, just bring a second stick.

I've done it a dozen or so times in my career. It's helpful at tournaments and such as well when you have "your curve" or the rink doesn't have a heat gun.

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i did use the stove but my mom got tired of me dripping glue on the stove and counter, so she got me a Black and Decker heat gun. i love it takes like 30 seconds to get a blade out.

i took mine to almost every game just in case.

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It's very rare(I've never did it) that you have to change your blade between period, just bring a second stick.

I've done it a dozen or so times in my career. It's helpful at tournaments and such as well when you have "your curve" or the rink doesn't have a heat gun.

Yeah when you have your curve like you said, your not suppose to have just one stick or curve like this, your back up must be the same curve so you don't have to adjust if the stick/blade broke.

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