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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Skates

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I have two completely different feet from surgery. I mean there is a total difference between them. They need different types of support and different sizes of skates. So I usually end up wearing more socks under the smaller one but this is not as good. So if anybody knows a site where I can get some info on custom skates it would be appreciated! :)


P.S. And I also have a problem with my shinpads because my one calf is like 1 1/2 " smaller. What would you guys do buy two sets of pads and look really lopsided? Any other suggestions.

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I was born with a club foot(twisted foot) so they did like two surgerys and I lived in a cast for the first 8-10 months of my life. In one of the surgerys they hit a nurve the outcome of that damage is that I put on muscle like twice as fast as on my other calf, its almost as strong just not as big. Looks really funny in shorts. :lol:

I don't notice it when I am straight ahead skating but I do when I try and stop on the bad foot. I'm not acually suppost to be playing hockey. But that is OK! ;)

My LHS guy told me customs might help, I guess I'll ask him when he gets back from holidays. Sorry to complain.


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for completely custom skates you probable have to go straight to the company

It may vary by company because I know you can get CCM Tacks custom built, however, they want you to go through a local hockey retailer.

There use to be a website that had all the CCM Tack options layed out in pull-down menus, but that part is no longer up. Maybe people were ordering things they didn't know much about??

Going by memory, length and width for each foot were obvious choices. You could also choose boot stiffness, footbed material and tongue thickness.

I even did a quick Google search and nothing useful came up....perhaps that's a potential new business -- JJ's Custom Ice Hockey Skate Shop. I'd figure out how each manufacturer wants to do custom orders, then I'll make molds or take measures and order away!! Anyone in? (ha ha).

Good luck,


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I believe you can also get custom grafs, but I could be wrong.

Yes you can. I got custon G3's in different sizes for each foot in custom widths. The skates are so narrow, that they had to trim the Cobra holders so they wouldn't stick over the side of the boot.

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im pretty sure easton makes custom skates...my friend told me that  they took a mold of his feet and made a skate specifically for him...but its really expensive like 2-3 thousand

I doubt that being true but if it was then you would be better off just buying two seperates sets of skates of the same model, but with different sizes and widths. It would be just over 1k for that.

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I know there is a website that does custom CCM Tacks I'm not sure if they do Pro Tacks as I have not seen the site in awhile and I wouldn't know what they're options as far as models are. But you can get the exact size you need for each foot in quarter sizes and widths also you can get custom stiffness and stitching. I'll try to look for the site as it;s not very helpful to you with nothing but a description.

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About the shin pads: I bought some Easton Airs 2nd-hand and was able to shorten them by chopping off some plastic and cutting off some foam rubber at the bottom, and then re-sewing everything. If you don't want to do that, perhaps an equipment repair shop or a cobbler could do it for a good price.

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About the shin pads: I bought some Easton Airs 2nd-hand and was able to shorten them by chopping off some plastic and cutting off some foam rubber at the bottom, and then re-sewing everything. If you don't want to do that, perhaps an equipment repair shop or a cobbler could do it for a good price.

Can you post some pics?

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OK, next time I have a game I will see if one of the guys has a camera phone.

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all the companies make custom skates. heres the models that can be made custom

bauer/nike:8090,vapor XXX,flexlit 12


Graf:Gseries and 700 series

Easton:Synergy 1300C

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699 for the xxx plus i believe either 150 or 200 and thats where u can choose the blades, width, tongue, outsole, lining, stiffness.

the rbk is the same. going rate is 150-200.

i know graf is 200

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Any websites for these skates or should I just try e-mailing the companies themselves? I might see what my other LHS says too.


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no grafs the only other company that does different colours just because the material the other companies use cant be dyed. also companies do not deal direct with the public so they would advise you on going to your local lhs for proper measurements and such. ive done 3 custom skates in the past month already and other guys have have more. its a pretty length process of ordering custom skates. just ask eazy

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I tried doing all black XXX's, (no fade) or getting Naslund's Vapor/v12 when I ordered my customs. Needless to say the rep wouldn't budge.

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no grafs the only other company that does different colours just because the material the other companies use cant be dyed. also companies do not deal direct with the public so they would advise you on going to your local lhs for proper measurements and such. ive done 3 custom skates in the past month already and other guys have have more. its a pretty length process of ordering custom skates. just ask eazy

How do you figure? You get measured, pick options, the company places the order, and you have your skates in a month.

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no grafs the only other company that does different colours just because the material the other companies use cant be dyed. also companies do not deal direct with the public so they would advise you on going to your local lhs for proper measurements and such. ive done 3 custom skates in the past month already and other guys have have more. its a pretty length process of ordering custom skates. just ask eazy

How do you figure? You get measured, pick options, the company places the order, and you have your skates in a month.

well first you have to get the person to take there socks off and do an outline of there foot and then measure the ball of the foot, the forefot and the distance from the back of the ankle to the top of the foot. then you measure the size and you can go to the 1/4 size or the half size and then you decide on widths and then options. it all adds up especially with graf since you have to find the skate that fits there foot properly and not just doing a custom 703 where the person could need a 709 or 705. so it adds up with everything and deciding on size and options

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