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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood 950 blade

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I'm looking for opinions on this blade. They're priced pretty good at 16.99 Cad at Sportschek. I like the Coffee curve too, but I was wondering what the durability is, they feel pretty light. Any personal experiances?

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I had one and it got soft very very soft like after 3-4 times of use. then i broke the next practice. probably one of the wort blades i've ever used. i defently would not recommend it, but it also didn't help that i hate the coffey pattern. Just my 2 sense

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i actually liked the blades alot. they have a great feel for the puck and they lasted me about a little less than a month. hell for 16 bucks, why wouldnt you buy it, just to try it out .

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I would only be using these for ball hockey on polished concrete so I'm not worried about water making it soft. I might pick 2 up when they have the 2 for 1 deal in the fall.

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sherwood blades aren't good for ball hockey, whether it's smooth concrete or not. they'll fray apart and break off into splinters easily. i loved mine for ice hockey though. if you want a good blade for ball hockey, look for the v20 blades i believe, the abs ones, in a thorton curve if you're looking for the big hook. they'll last a lot longer

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i liked mine, but, like just about everyone has said they do get very soft very quick. and i wouldnt recomend using them on smooth concrete becuase they will most likly splinter.

I found the SOP blades and the SOP 9950 stick lasted me longer then the retail 950 blade or the 7000 stick.

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the durability on em is prob like any other wood blade. i use the bouchard rite now in my ultralite shafts. i have 5 z-carbon blades, but i use 950s over them.

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I just bought one like 2 hours ago and I really like them. And if you think the those blades go soft quick you should see how quick the 5030's blades get soft. The first time I used one it was done by the end of the practise.

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I got about 3 games out of my last 950 Coffey, which is quite a bit less than I get with most of my blades. I seemed to get more out of the Sherwood blades a few years ago playing High School hockey. I don't know if the blades changed or me.

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I had a 3-pack of these in a Bondra pattern and used them for Ballhockey. Nice curve, not too heavy but totally weak construction in my opinion. I broke two of them within one period during the first game I used them. The third one lasted me a combined 6 hours of prcatice until it broke just like the other two. Right throught the hosel taking a slapper.

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