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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting Range

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I tried out an MP5 the one time they were there.

Those MP5s are a real hoot to shoot, eh? Geeze louise, 30 round magazine emptied in 3 seconds on full auto. I forgot the swap the cartridge ejector when I was using it last week and recieved 6 second degree burns: 4 on my calf and 2 on my arms.

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I tried out an MP5 the one time they were there.

Those MP5s are a real hoot to shoot, eh? Geeze louise, 30 round magazine emptied in 3 seconds on full auto. I forgot the swap the cartridge ejector when I was using it last week and recieved 6 second degree burns: 4 on my calf and 2 on my arms.

Actually, I stuck mostly to the 3 round burst.

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I have been shooting a few times in my day as well. I have a friend that is a cop, and now and then we go to the police shooting range. I'm not sure he is breaking the rules or not, but he opens up the armory, and we shoot all different kinds of guns (Glocks, USP, MP5, AR-15, Shotguns, ect.) My favorite gun is the AR-15 (M-16). Even though it is very loud, I love how acurate the gun is, and how little recoil it has. MP5's are alot of fun too.

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Actually, his is from 1944. and yes, it is extremely fast. they dont call it the "burp gun" for no reason. it actually sounds like the gun is burping, because it fires soo fast, that you cant hear the individual shots.

He also has an mp40 that was alot of fun to shoot, a STG44, and a Mg32. its not as fast, but it still gets the job done.

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i love to shoot, for sporting clays, skeet, or trap ill shoot with my benelli nova pump, browning O/U citori 525 sporting or browing a-5 auto. i really on hunt with the benelli or A-5. as far as hand guns ill be in the market later this august, and for a rifle im still way up in the air. my dad owns a beretta 9mm, reguer .44 and .22 revolvers, and a browing buckmark .22 pistol

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My favorite gun is the AR-15 (M-16).

M- 16's aren't AR- 15's.. maybe you mean M-4? M-16's are auto and i dont think AR-15's are.. but I could be wrong.

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my uncle is a general and head of an army academy in china, so when i went back a couple years ago when i was 13, i went to the range a couple times. i shot a beretta (only 30 m, but all my shots were centre mass :D and a couple head shots ;) ), a gun pretty much the same as a famas, the army just got it in 97 and all of it except for the barrel and the firing mechs are all plastics. those things shot the same cartridge as m16s and stuff (5.56 mm) so it was a lot of fun shooting those metal plates (the ones that go down) at about 100m. i tried burst, which was okay but once you go auto, there really isn't much point because the targets are tiny and go down after 1 hit. i also shot an AK. DAMN that thing is crazy, especially once you see the bullet. it's about one and a half times the size of m16 bullets, and when you shoot, its not really a "blat" anymore but these big "POW"s. did a couple clips at 150m on semi and burst, then i went in close and shot a bit on auto. scared the crap outta me lol, wouldn't want to be a terrorist shooting one of those from the hip! wouldn't hit diddly. that's my gun spiel.

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My favorite gun is the AR-15 (M-16).

M- 16's aren't AR- 15's.. maybe you mean M-4? M-16's are auto and i dont think AR-15's are.. but I could be wrong.

ar15's are civilian m16s. dunno about the auto part, but i think m4's are army only. i shot some m4's in counterstrike :D :D

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My favorite gun is the AR-15 (M-16).

M- 16's aren't AR- 15's.. maybe you mean M-4? M-16's are auto and i dont think AR-15's are.. but I could be wrong.

ar15's are civilian m16s. dunno about the auto part, but i think m4's are army only. i shot some m4's in counterstrike :D :D

I know that police department ERT/SWAT teams use M4s; just a scaled down version of the M16. And that Beretta you were talking about earlier, probably an M9 which is standard issue for the US Army but apparently it's giving them problems. Probably going to be replaced by a .40 or a .45. Whether that be a Sig, Glock, HK or something else I don't know. I doubt it'll be a Glock, though because of their lack of an external safety. Sig's 226/225/229 were beat out for the M9's based purely on price. S&W? Bulky suckers. So who knows

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My favorite gun is the AR-15 (M-16).

M- 16's aren't AR- 15's.. maybe you mean M-4? M-16's are auto and i dont think AR-15's are.. but I could be wrong.

Sorry my mistake. You're right, its a semi-auto Ar-15. Its closer to an M4 then an M16.

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I'll shoot a .22 rifle

Dont shoot a .22 that's a waste of money. It's like a pellet gun.

While that's true, the .22 is the most popular cartridge in the nation. Secondly, it is great for cheap target practicing, and the low recoil is excellent for learning how to handle a gun and to accurately fire it. The first gun I shot was a .22 caliber pump action rifle. I was 10 or 11 with my father and it is still a great memory. The .22 serves a great purpose for educating new shooters.

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My favorite gun is the AR-15 (M-16).

M- 16's aren't AR- 15's.. maybe you mean M-4? M-16's are auto and i dont think AR-15's are.. but I could be wrong.

ar15's are civilian m16s. dunno about the auto part, but i think m4's are army only. i shot some m4's in counterstrike :D :D

I know that police department ERT/SWAT teams use M4s; just a scaled down version of the M16. And that Beretta you were talking about earlier, probably an M9 which is standard issue for the US Army but apparently it's giving them problems. Probably going to be replaced by a .40 or a .45. Whether that be a Sig, Glock, HK or something else I don't know. I doubt it'll be a Glock, though because of their lack of an external safety. Sig's 226/225/229 were beat out for the M9's based purely on price. S&W? Bulky suckers. So who knows

S&W used to make a slim frame 9MM that was pretty nice. Dad had one of the regular frame ones and it was pretty smooth.

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it is true that the ar-15 is a civilain model. the military DOES use ar-15. they are designated CAR-15, and it is fully auto. the army uses m16a-4(m-4), that is just a smaller and more advanced version of hte m16.

history of the m16:

designer: Eugene Stoner. first version was actually the ar10, in .308 was later changed to 5.56(.223).

first producer: Matel, when the m16 entered service with the army only matel could meet production requirements.

How Colt got the contract: Pres Johnson's wife's father owned Colt at the time and some backdoor deals were made.

for firearms buffs: Eugene Stoner also designed the stoner 63. great weapon but was not suited for the jungle in SWAasis. it was the first mag/belt feed machine gun in 5.56. the squad automatice weapon (m249 saw) has alot of stoner 63 in its design.

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My favorite gun is the AR-15 (M-16).

M- 16's aren't AR- 15's.. maybe you mean M-4? M-16's are auto and i dont think AR-15's are.. but I could be wrong.

ar15's are civilian m16s. dunno about the auto part, but i think m4's are army only. i shot some m4's in counterstrike :D :D

I know that police department ERT/SWAT teams use M4s; just a scaled down version of the M16. And that Beretta you were talking about earlier, probably an M9 which is standard issue for the US Army but apparently it's giving them problems. Probably going to be replaced by a .40 or a .45. Whether that be a Sig, Glock, HK or something else I don't know. I doubt it'll be a Glock, though because of their lack of an external safety. Sig's 226/225/229 were beat out for the M9's based purely on price. S&W? Bulky suckers. So who knows

S&W used to make a slim frame 9MM that was pretty nice. Dad had one of the regular frame ones and it was pretty smooth.

A semi-auto? S&W still makes argueably the best 6 shooters on the market

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A semi-auto? S&W still makes argueably the best 6 shooters on the market

Yes. He had a 5906 and that was a pretty normal semi, the 3913 was the slimline. I think it came in 380 as well as 9mm.

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I agree with JR shooting skeet is one of the greatest things to do. After shooting skeet you feel it in your shoulder all day. Couple times a year i do it with friends then we go pheasant hunting Great time.Nothing better then a good oh Shotgot. i shot a M4 is Counter-Strike and the greast newb weapon of all time AWP.Oh and the Bennli pump great fun.

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I agree with JR shooting skeet is one of the greatest things to do. After shooting skeet you feel it in your shoulder all day. Couple times a year i do it with friends then we go pheasant hunting Great time.Nothing better then a good oh Shotgot. i shot a M4 is Counter-Strike and the greast newb weapon of all time AWP.Oh and the Bennli pump great fun.

Skeet/trap is cake compared to sporting clays.

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