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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well, it's official, my curfew absolutely sucks. I have to be home at 10-10:30 on the weekdays, and 11:30 on the weekends for summer, while all my friends have 12:00 curfews. What are you guys's curfews (if you have em) and how did you get them to be so late? I NEED SOME IDEAS!!!!!!! I ended up staying home tonight and doing nothing when I could be hanging out with a girl I like....ugh...


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They don't think I am responsible with school and stuff...but I am, whenever I am late, it's because I am either A) Doing something very important or B ) On my way home

They have work during the weekdays, so they're usually in bed, but my sister is up, and they still don't let me...

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Sometimes my mom is nice and says i can come home whenever I want,but if i wake her up when I come home then,ill never be able to come in after 10:30.my curfew is mostly 11 on week days,12 or 1 on weekends and im 15 too.

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oh yes, forgot to add this is...my sister is 12 years old and tonight she magically has a 11 or later curfew! im 3 years older and somehow she has a later curfew than me??!

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Like I said try and convey that you will be responsible and fully expect to be punished if you are past curfew. If that doesn't work I don't know what will. Tings like this are all about trust, if they trust you your fine, but if they don't they try and prevent you from getting into trouble.

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That's one of the problems, they don't trust me...they think I'm getting into drugs and alcohol and stuff...but I'm almost as clean as a whistle

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Im 15(16 in a 11 days) and I dont have a curfew for the summer aslong as I call and let my parents know where im going/going to be. My curfew used to be like 10:30 - 11 on school nights but i was usually in before then.

Try just asking them if since your getting older and all your friends have 11 o'clock curfews that maybe theyd would consider chaning yours. say you'll all way elt them know where your gonna be and that kind of stuff. hope it works out for you.

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That's one of the problems, they don't trust me...they think I'm getting into drugs and alcohol and stuff...but I'm almost as clean as a whistle

Almost....Maybe 1 was too many eh? ;)

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That's one of the problems, they don't trust me...they think I'm getting into drugs and alcohol and stuff...but I'm almost as clean as a whistle

Almost....Maybe 1 was too many eh? ;)

Shhh they don't know :o

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Im 15(16 in a 11 days) and I dont have a curfew for the summer aslong as I call and let my parents know where im going/going to be. My curfew used to be like 10:30 - 11 on school nights but i was usually in before then.

Try just asking them if since your getting older and all your friends have 11 o'clock curfews that maybe theyd would consider chaning yours. say you'll all way elt them know where your gonna be and that kind of stuff. hope it works out for you.

Tried it many times...here's how it goes

Me: Cmon Mom Chris has 12 o clock!!!

Mom and Dad: That's Chris and that's his parents. We have work tomorrow.

Me: So does Chris's parents!!!!!!!

Mom and Dad: Oh well that's them

Happens every time...

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Not many people want to hire a 15 year old kid who looks like he's 10...plus, I work with my dad a lot doing landscaping, and I have lawns I have to cut every week-two weeks

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I couldn't tell you what will work, but I can tell you what will help is for you to understand your parents.

Every parent is responsible to raise their children to be good people. Not all parents succeed in this, but that is undoubtedly their job. Further, the majority of parents truly want their children to be happy and productive.

So what does all this mumbo jumbo mean? It means you need to convey to your parents that you understand why they are protective of you, but you believe they are being overly protective. "What can I do to win your trust?" is what you need to ask.

Believe me, I wasn't an angel. But I'm a father now and I can tell you what your enemy is thinking. ;)

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I couldn't tell you what will work, but I can tell you what will help is for you to understand your parents.

Every parent is responsible to raise their children to be good people. Not all parents succeed in this, but that is undoubtedly their job. Further, the majority of parents truly want their children to be happy and productive.

So what does all this mumbo jumbo mean? It means you need to convey to your parents that you understand why they are protective of you, but you believe they are being overly protective. "What can I do to win your trust?" is what you need to ask.

Believe me, I wasn't an angel. But I'm a father now and I can tell you what your enemy is thinking. ;)

From the man himself! That's exactly how I feel. That my parents are overprotective. They do call, I call, I let them know where I'm at and what I'm doing, usually just walking around with my friends in the town next to mine. I know they want the best for me, and they don't want to see me go down the wrong road, but do you think I want to go down that road? Nope...

You are my hero now Jason haha :D


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Okay, now you need to figure how to hold a sincere communication with them. No yelling, begging, pleading, but three adults having a conversation. "I understand you want me to go down the right path, but I believe you are being overly protective. I'd like the opportunity to prove to you I can be trustworthy."

But....BUT, if they give you that opportunity, you can't blow it, or you'll be going to bed after the 5:00 News..... ;)

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haha true and we don't want that!! I shall try my luck tomorrow. That's the best advice I've gotten in a while :)


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Ouch that must suck, I just tell my rents im going drinking and they say not to drive home, so I just sleep around.

Don't start the whole 'rent thing on this forum too. It is bad enough on GSH, you can't read a topic without somebody saying 'rents.

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maybe figure out if you could go to someone else's house to sleep over after? sometimes when i want to stay out, i just tell my parents i'm going to a sleepover, and i make sure that i don't get myself into any trouble ;)

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haha funny story with that...my friend said that he was gonna stay over my house tonight...he wasnt. He was going to a party and staying there. So he got his friend to pose as my mom to tell his step mom that it was alright he stayed at my house. Funny thing is my mom was right next to his step mom as my friend's friend called...

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