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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Summer Concerts

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motley crue

Good show, never smelt so much weed in my life though. The video that plays behind during "Girls, Girls, Girls" is pretty sweet.

Weird, usually coke's the drug people smell at a Crue concert. At least down here.

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Saw Rise Against and Alkaline trio 2 nights ago...Got Finch, 2 warped tours (orlando and tampa) system of a down, chevelle and taproot and probably alot of others coming along the way this summer. Man thats one thing I love about Florida...Always good shows coming around.

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I might be going to the Velvet Revolver concert in Columbus Ohio August 12. But I live in Windsor Ontario, so its a long drive for a concert. They'll probably come to Detroit (right next store).

My dream is for ACDC to do one last reunion tour. They are godly in my view. It's funny, cause I'm 17, and everyone of my teachers and adults I know, all say, "How is it that the music I listened to can be so popular 20 years later?"

I was at the Taste of Chaos in Detroit though. The Used are amazing live!!!

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Saw the Sounds of the Underground Tour this past saturday. Unreal show. Unearth was awesome as was Lamb of God. Gwar puts on one hell of a show, best part of that set was when a fake George Bush came out on stage and they chopped his head off shooting blood into the crowd.

Cool, I was at the same show. Lamb of God was great, I thought Throwdown and Devildriver were awesome, too. I liked Madball, and I'm probably one of the only people who liked High on Fire. Gwar was amusing. :lol:

Strapping Young Lad turned me off as soon as the singer said "Your hockey team sucks!" before the first song. From Autumn to Ashes was pathetic until the "Emo sucks!" chant got started as they were leaving the stage. :lol:

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August:  Motely Crue reunion tour (also known as the "We Blew All Our Money And Now We Need More" tour.)

that may be so but i dont think mick is doing it for the money. it looked like he had a blast at live 8 ,he was wild. either way its gonna be one hell of a show ,especially with sum41 who is a guilty pleasure of mine.

EDIT:400 posts :)

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