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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All manufacturer reps, and anyone "in the biz"

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I'm a 23 year old who has been attending community college for about 5 years now. I have acquired 65 credits, but due to CONSTANT changes of my major (most recently I changed it to Automotive Technology and completed the entire first year of the curriculum) I don't have anything closely resembling a degree. My financial aid is about to run out (I think in another 25 credits I loose my grants, unless I switch to a 4 year school). So recently I have been thinking long and hard about my future so I can focus my last 2 semesters at community college and hopefully transfer out.

After thinking about what I want to do, I have come to the conclusion that I don't want to dislike what I do for a living, and then it came very naturally to me. I want a job in the hockey industry, preferably for a manufacturer. I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there in MSH land (I'm sure there are a few) who works for a manufacturer, or holds any other "hockey related" position and would like to point me in the direction of where to focus my education, how much of it will I need (i.e.. associates, bachelors, or masters), and maybe give me some insight as to what job you hold and how you got it...thanks a lot for your time guys.

p.s. I'm not asking for anyone to employ me, I'm simply asking how to get there

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The question is what do you want to do? Sales, marketing, design, distribution?

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I've prety much heard that design is left up to the pro's (Like Justin). Not that I am a bad player, I just dont think I am of the caliber that most manufacturers are looking for. Distribution sounds fairly interesting, but if anything I would probably want to do either Sales, or Marketing. Dont the two prety much go hand in hand?

I was reading the Marketing Transfer Program curriculum and there are alot of sales related classes.

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I would suggest you apply to the bigger companies, because I suspect they would pay a base salary plus commission. Further, their names are established, so your tenacity would pay off more immediately.

On the other hand, the competition would presumably be difficult, so you may have an easier time finding a rep position with a smaller/newer firm. (Less likely a marketing position, since smaller firms usually don't have that type of budget.) However, you need to understand that any inventory that collects dust is damaging to any business, so retailers are more likely to spend their money on surer bets. What that means is it will take time to place your products initially, and then it will take time to place them in the quantity that you can live off of. Consequently, you would probably be best off to try to take on a few lines of complementary products, particularly some that are commodities -- i.e., give you reason to go back consistently. Perhaps things such as tape, laces, deodorizers, magazines.

There's no doubt your 'vision' could appear too unfocused if you have too many products that seem hodge-podge. But, if you can pick up an assortment of quality products, you only need one for a retailer to say, "Sure, you can come by to show me." At that point, you should have the opportunity to show more of your lines.

It will take time. I've told all my prospective reps that they will not make much money off my products for as much as the next two years. A couple of them had other jobs and I told them to NOT quit them. It may make it harder to grow, but at least they'll be able to live.

Add it up and, as I said, you'd be best off sending your resume to more established companies.


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if you want to be a sales rep, the best way is to find the reps in your area and meet them, get to know them,etc..offer to help them at events and likely try to get in as a sub-rep..before you get a break and get some lines of your own...

the marketing side is normally handled in house..by a couple of people who have worked their way up the ladder for a number of years..look how long guys like Ed Saunders and Craig Johnson have been around with their respective companies...

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I don't know of any major mfgrs who offer salary/commission. TPS did but their guys are now commission only.

It's really hard to get a job in hockey. After all I've done, I've come close a few times, but nothing.

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being a rep, i can tell you that you get your in to this business by knowing somebody. if you are interested in working directly for a manufacturer... your best bet is to focus your major on what category you want to do. if you want to do marketing, then focus your degree on marketing. start applying to companies, put together a resume... do internships.

i got very lucky... i got my job because of my connections. it is a fun job, but it is a tough job some days. right now, my hockey business is very down. if i only sold hockey products, i wouldnt be in the business. i sell team apparel, outside of hockey, and that is the side that pays the bills, hockey is the icing in the cake for me. that being said, sub repping is the way to get into the business, if you want to rep. pretty much no company will simply hire you to rep, without experience.

contact some of the manufacturers, and ask for the rep in that area... contact that rep and see if they are a rep group, or works by himself. a rep group will be your best in, because you may be able to start in their office, then get promoted to sales.

if you want any further info... send me a pm.

good luck

p.s. this should be in general hockey discussions

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