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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i need to get a new pair of hockey pants. right now i am using the old bauer supreme 5000 from a couple of years ago. I like the bauer style of pant, and wanted to know if anyone here has the low down about the flak 15 pant. It seems like a good deal because it is a pant under $100, but here is what i am looking for in a pant:

weight: light-medium light

protection: heavy protection

movement: must be flexible

and must have leg zippers, and great lower back protection.

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You won't get heavy protection from any light pant. You can either have heavy protection or a light pant.

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I don't know what the retail 5000's were like, but my pro-stock 5000's fly like a winged beaver... err rather are fairly light, but they are like having a tank on you, it gives me a lot of confidence when taking hits because of the great hip pads.

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I wear a Vapor 8 girdle that fits most of your needs...its light, protective, and flexible. On another note, 90% of my team wear girdles and when I got mine the guy at the store tried to tell me that nobody wore girdles, that it was only people in the northeast. Living in the northeast myself, and everyone wearing girdles, I thought he could be right. Can anyone tell me if people wear girdles where you live???

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same hear. ive never seen anyone where a girdle. it just must be cause i live in michigans UP. haha

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I wear a Vapor 8 girdle that fits most of your needs...its light, protective, and flexible. On another note, 90% of my team wear girdles and when I got mine the guy at the store tried to tell me that nobody wore girdles, that it was only people in the northeast. Living in the northeast myself, and everyone wearing girdles, I thought he could be right. Can anyone tell me if people wear girdles where you live???

They aren't anywhere close to being as protective as a good pair of pants. I see a few people wearing them around here but most players get out of them if they continue to play midget or junior hockey at a high level once they realize the extra bruises aren't worth the "cool" factor.

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The Flak pant is VERY good if you can find a store that carries them (THG). They have good protection, flexability, and are comfortable plus they look awesome.

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