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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sore arch

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i recently got new skates and the first 4 skates they felt fine but yesterday the arch of my right foot hurt a bit and when i took my skate off it REALLY hurt and it even hurt to walk on it. it even hurts now a bit if i move my foot and this was last night. could this be because i had my holder moved over to the right on my right skate in my old skates and not in these skates?

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I had that problem with my vapor xv's. This is what i did to make it stop sometimes. Ill tie the(starting from the toe of the skate) 1st 2 or 3 eyelets fairly tight then the next couple that are over your arch i leave them more loose then the rest of the eyelets i tie them tight to keep your heel and ankle in place. Maybe the skate just doesnt fit your foot right. I know bauer's dont fit my foot real well and ill get some pain or discomfort.

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i had graf 735's ,they hurt my feet alot thats why i got these. i felt this pain with my old skates except it was alot worse.

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i think that happened to me in my roller blades i just rested it for 2-3 days and it was fine but after that i could sometimes feel it coming on again so if that happens to you just go off the ice for a while it sometimes came up for a couple weeks

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they arent too narrow i dont think. would sitting on the bench for a long time have aything to do with it? it was drop in so id be out for 3/4/5 minutes and of for just as long instead of being out 40 seconds then off a minute and a half then on again

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i have pain in my arch sometimes from over tying my skates, but i really only notice it when im sitting on the bench or standing stationary in practice. when you skate it feels fine but ive never had soreness after the ice session

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i have pain in my arch sometimes from over tying my skates, but i really only notice it when im sitting on the bench or standing stationary in practice. when you skate it feels fine but ive never had soreness after the ice session

exactly what i have except i feal it after the ice session

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The pain you get afterwards is from the blood rushing to the areas which were being pinched. Sometimes I'll have it on the outsides of my feet where my feet kill for about 5 minutes after taking the skates off.

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i used to over tighten my zg 120's but they had a clip on them so you could have 2 different tightnesses on them for the bottom and the top so i'd take all the slack from the bottom the close the clip, then tighten as ussual

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I get pain in my arches while I'm wearing skates that don't have a high enough arch for me. When I take them off, my feet feel fine right away or within 5 minutes after removing the skates. Maybe your skates don't have enough or have too much arch?

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sorry to revive an old thread...

did 2hrs of pickup after about a month off and my arches were killing me, mostly around the outside of the mid part of my foot.

the symptoms were the same as described by others. when skating, it's ok, but when i sit on the bench during a shift-change, it will start to hurt and they killed for about 5min after i took my skates off. it hurt so bad that i couldn't move my foot, let alone stand or walk or my bare feet.

for reference, i have a wide forefoot and a 'deep' mid-foot. i'm currently in CCM Vector 5.0's in an E width...but think i need something deeper.

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I had the same thing happen to me. I didn't skate for a couple of weeks, and when I started skating again my feet hurt when I was on the bench. I skated through the pain, and after another skate the pain was gone, and I haven't had a problems since.

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