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XBox v. PS2 (Thin)

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I've heard that the PS2 (thin) has a tendency to overheat. My buddy has one and it died on him less than a year in. Is that true?

So...I found a place that has PS2 and XBox for what appears to be good deals.

The PS2 is $145, but comes with 3 games (Crash Bandikoot Nitro Race, Hot Shot Golf and Prince of Persia *I Think*).

The XBox is 165, but has 1 game...didn't see the title, but it looks like a POV Shooter.

Do you have to buy XBox Live, because if so..the PS2 is more appealing.

What do you think?

I know the Xbox/PS2 question has been asked bfore, but that was in relation as to which system was better...I'm wondering about this specific deal...


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1)Get an XBOX

2)You have to pay annually for XBOX live

3)With an XBOX you can store your own songs

4)You have lots more memory

5)You can do arm curls with an XBOX!LOL :P

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Get an xbox. With online I can say you get what you pay for. Xboxlive is way better than whatever you call the ps2 online. Xbox has better graphics, harddrive, custom soundtracks and alot more.

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Yes, you have to pay for Xbox Live

How much is that?

Honestly, I'm not a huge Gamer...I'm just sick of NHL 2004...and my computer wont run anything newer than that and I want '06 (plus maybe Spiderman 2 and Xmen..Fantastic 4 looks great as well)

The PS2 seems like a beeter deal (for me) but I knwo the majority of people like Xbox.

Any truth to the overheating of the thin unit??? I mean, I know that my buddies did...but is it a widespread problem?

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Its 80 bucks CDN for a year. XBOX is better in every way compared to the PS2.

The online portion really doesn't mean that much to me. I'm just looking for a better game experience for the 2-3 games I'll play then what I have now.

I know the HD is a better option in the Xbox...but can the sound/graphics really be that much better??? I also dont' plan on Modding it, so that "feature" is not important either.

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Also if you buy new games they usually come with between 2-3 months of free Xbox live. You need a credit card but there's no hidden charges or anything and you can keep adding free months to your xbox live account if you get games with the little cards inside. I know this cause my freind and I set it up a few months ago and he hasnt had anycharges and it ended yesterday, also with Xbox live oyu can only use highspeed internet which means no lag as oppsed to PS2 online which has awful online gameplay.

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Here is the other question I have...why do you have to buy Xbox Live? If you have no intention of gaming online...why is that feature a forced purchase?

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Oh is that what you meant? You do not NEED to purchase it. Only if you want to play online do you need to buy Xbox live.

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No need for xbox live. XBOX has better graphics by a mile. It has a better system so it has better things. Compare GTA SA on both systems. When the made the Xbox version they made better graphics and longer drawdistances. That means you can see father out instead of buildings just appearing. And no memory cards because of the harddrive. Ps2 is outdated now, there is really no point that someone should have it unless they are really into RPGs. But that isnt even a feature anymore because of Fable and Jade Empire.

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Yah XBOX's Graphics Kick PS2's ass....Its like N64 vs. Super Nintendo

Thats the worst comparison i've ever seen/heard. Yes, the Xbox graphics are slightly better, but not that much better.

The PS2 seems like a better choice if you're only going to play a few select games. If you want a harddrive, you can put just about any old computer drive into the PS2. There is even a loader(HDLoader) to boot games/dvd's off of the harddrive.

Its you're money, you're decision. You cant really go wrong with either platform.

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There is defininatly a noticalbe difference. PS2 is outdated, why would you want to buy old technology? And what do u mean only a few games.Xbox has every game PS2 has except for crappy Jak and Daxter and those bad platformers and more like Halo 2, Amped 2 and Conkers Live and Reloaded.

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Alot of people complain about Xbox Live and having to pay for it but really when you think about it its only about $20 CDN more than a game and Xbox Live lasts a whole year. I'd say support Bill and buy an Xbox haha.

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Well, I'm thinking XBox is the way to go...I was comparing the NHL06 Screen shots for X and PS2...X looks way better.

Here is the last factor...the place I'm looking to buy from is an "All Sales Final" No Returns and store Warranties. It's like a Surplus wholesaler.

Are they (X box) known to be reliable, casue I'm out the cash if it dies.

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I think RadioGaGa is going to stick to a few games, mostly of the sports variety.

Yeah...I love NHL 2004 on PC, but I've played the hell out of it and my computer won't be able to handle NHL 2006...and I want to give that a go. I've heard good things about the EA Baseball/Football series as well. Mostly looking for ways to kill the nights that I dont' have Hockey/Ball.

Fantastic Four looks awesome and Spidey 2/X-men are also really god for console...compared to PC versions.

Bottom line. We'll see what the deal is when I get there tomorrow...if they still have the X for 165...that seems to be the way to go. If not, and all they have left is the 145 PS2...I may go that way. Having said that I may get there and find everything gone.

Thanks for eveyones input.

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Well, I got the Xbox...so far so good. I just bought NHL 2k5 to hold me over until NHL 2006 comes out next month.

I have a question regarding playing in Season mode. If you have a profile, roster and season all saved...do you have to load each one individually everytime you start to play...or does loading the season automatically pull in all the needed settings to play that season.

The book that comes with the game is great as far as the in game controls are concerned....but doesn't explain this part of the game setup...

Thanks again.

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Use custom soundtracks on that game. Only for xbox B) . Anyways if u get xbox live that game is hella competive.

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You have to load each one seperately. The best way is to get the rosters the way you want them, then start the season, or franchise. The profile and settings should load automatically.

Beware the dreaded freeze up though. I took a team to one win away from the cup finals and I couldn't get any farther. Hope they fix that for 2k6.

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