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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just ordered 8090's

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Do a search and you'll see there has already been lots of discussion about Bauer 8090 skates.

I sure hope you had a chance to try them on before you bought as they have a unique fit compared to other Bauer skates.





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If they fit your feet properly, you will like them. They are lightweight and more durable than most light high end skats

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no i didn't try them on i just randomly bought 400$ skates with out knowing if they are going to fit, come on now

Hey its happened before, many, many times.

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no i didn't try them on i just randomly bought 400$ skates with out knowing if they are going to fit, come on now

I did that and they fit me great i have never worn bauer's before so i just went off reviews on the sizing and rough estimate sizing charts

I was pretty nervous when i first got them to see if they'd fit lol!

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I just got them and really don't see much of a change in how they fit than most Bauer skates (and I had XXs and 7000s before). They are a little wider in the forefoot but not much.

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they are awesome. fit aside, i can't think of a better skate for the money. they feel like nothing on my feet, and they're practically bulletproof in terms of durability and protection

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I just got them and really don't see much of a change in how they fit than most Bauer skates (and I had XXs and 7000s before). They are a little wider in the forefoot but not much.

the instep is MUCH deeper.

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how do they fit compared to xx's? i have had 2 pairs of pro *used xx's and loved them, then went to synergies and they were far and away the best skates i have had. i have thought about pickin up some 8090's but am hesistant because i have used pro issues/stock skates for the past 4-5 yrs

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Thay are queit alot wider than xx's i was getting foot cramps in my zgs in a D width and these are D and are slightly to wide so i wear another pair of thin socks on top now

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