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Firs WC 2005 in Paris

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I just came back from Paris, where I saw the USA win the world title. My question is how these teams are selected in the USA and Canada. US looked liked the Mudcats (all Tour). I also noticed the incredible anti-American attitude of the French. Very nice final against the Czech Republic.

Are the Firs and IIHF American team different?

Tim from Holland

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The Canadian team was put together by Canada Inline without tryouts or invites or anything. They took a team called the Ottawa 86ers from Ottawa who are all born in '86 and call them the Nation Developmental Squad. They should have looked for a more veteran lineup so perhaps Canada could get some pride out of the tournament but instead they finished in 6th. Hopefully they change it up next year or itll be 4 or 5 more years until the team is able to compete.

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Was Chris Nelson not playing for the US as i didnt see him in any of the pics.

I doubt he would have liked playing with all the tour gear as he uses all easton gear.

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DAVID Oliver

FUDGE Travis





TRACY Ronald





Thats the US roster from the FIRS site.

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They took a team called the Ottawa 86ers from Ottawa who are all 86 year olds and call them the Nation Developmental Squad.

Really? Those are some OLD hockey players :huh: B)

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Maybe thats the reaosn why they sucked so much. Sorry I meant to say born in '86 but I hope most of you figured that out.

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I know that Team USA just has tryout camps for their team although most of the team consists of Mudcats (as was mentioned) and Lindenwood University players.

I know the LU guys are:

Ryan Viamontes (originally from Florida) is my house league goalie and I've played with JP Beilsten (St. Louis legend) many times. Greg Thompson (New Yorker originally) and Travis Fudge are also LU standouts.

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Maybe thats the reaosn why they sucked so much. Sorry I meant to say born in '86 but I hope most of you figured that out.

Was it the team that was sponsored by Easton last year? I know I played a team from Ottawa, would've been '86s, that beat team Ontario. I know a few guys who played on team Canada as well in previous years, I believe it was a progressive process. Played Rep, then added Ontario's, then did well and were spotted so they got asked to play on Team Canada. This was back when they won gold.

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Couldnt tell ya if they were sponsored by Easton or not. I know they played in the WIC Under 18 last year and won it but thats all I can tell ya.

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Red Jerseys? I'm sure were thinking of the same team, either that or Ottawa is kicking the hell out of Canada's ass for in-line.

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Couldnt tell ya if they were sponsored by Easton or not. I know they played in the WIC Under 18 last year and won it but thats all I can tell ya.

If you check out the photos of Canaduh ;) playing France in the Pics section you'll notice most of the lads wearing sweet ass white and red Easton Gloves. They look awesome with the rest of their uniforms. Sponsorship seems apparent to me unless they all like the exact same pair of gloves over and over!

Best mate played for Australia and although they lost every game, loved being burnt by some of the top players in the world. Its a learning curve I guess.

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Nelson usually plays for the IIHF team, which wears Mission gear, and is in Finland right now for that event...not sure if he's on the squad this year.. some younger AHL kids and the guys who have grown up playing both..

each have separate tryouts...for FIRS you have to play in an USARS or AAU Championship typically as its been that way for over a decade...IIHF>.unsure..

I heard Fudge was just unstoppable at tryouts, glad to see Thompson was on the squad..look forward to hearing the stories in the coming weeks..

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So, does anyone know how the US FIRS team is selected? USA Inline does the IIHF team, but who is responsible for the FIRS team? BTW, those Tour pants (US and Canada) are UGLY! And so were the US jerseys. Luckily the IIHF jerseys are pretty nice.

Why won't Canada play at the IIHF WC?


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I juste wanted to add something about the behaviour of some people at the world championship.

Yes some french went totally dumb whistling the us team and the us national anthem. But those people have been severely criticized by the vast majority of french fans who were at the finals. Also it appears that the bottle that were thrown and some of the whistles too came from the czech fans.

We french are probably dumb, but a vast majority respect other countries and USA, even if we can disagree on political points, this has nothing to do with hockey, where USA can give us a lesson everyday.

Otherwise, the final game between US and Czech wasn't the most interesting according to the majority of the public, because many fauts weren't penalized, it was kind of a brutal more than a technical game wich is not what the french in line hockey fan love to see.

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I believe Team Canada wears Force pants and jerseys not Tour because they are sponsored by Tour. Also I believe Canada does not send a team to the IIHFs because there is no organization that supports it. Canada Inline, the main governing body for inline in Canada is part of FIRS thus why they send a team to FIRS. The IIHF is more of an ice hockey organization (correct me if Im wrong) which would be supported more by Hockey Canada who does all the National ice teams. It is my understanding that Hockey Canada just created an agreement to support the National Inline Hockey Association (NIHA) and so maybe next year when NIHA gets bigger in Canada they will make there own Team Canada to send to the IIHFs much like the US currently has now.

And I believe from what I read earlier AAU and USARS is the org. that creates the FIRS US team.

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All right, things are starting to become clear to me. One last question, a little off topic. Why is it so hard to follow the NARCh Pro division. OK, I can read the scores and some short stories, but where are the rosters, team sites, videos, etc? Anyone?

@weirdo: You are right about the majority of French supporters. When the game ended they gave a respectful applause. The tournament looked well organised and the French team played very well.

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NARCh Pro is only held at Winternationals and Finals..its not a year long season and the teams don't put up websites,etc for their squads, we put up results and rosters in the past..but haven't really had much of a response to it..that and well the PRO division is the absolute hardest to get paperwork for, a team nearly forfeited the final a couple years ago..

as for no Canadian team, does that have anything to do with their not giving back the Gold Medals after Steve Vezina tested positive in the late 90's for nandralone??

US FIRS team is selected by a tryout camp conducted by USARS AAU...I believe you have to play in one of their events during the season to be eligible..not sure if that has changed..

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I dont think NARCh pro is pro in the sense where everyone follows it like the NHL. It is just the highest level you can achieve in inline and is a great accomplishment if you reach that level. I doubt if any teams have websites and all because I think a lot of these guys just play all over all year and then come together for narch and torhs pro but i could be very wrong on this.

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Did u not like the usa jerserys and pants i thought they were sweet....especially the guys team with the mathing helmets and gloves too!

The USA team and Canada team were really nice guys and they all had some amazing skills....although the canadians were young they were still pretty talented to finish sixth as basically a junior club side in the world championships is impressive.

and as for the anti US stuff it was pretty mental there was a whole lot of booing but it was the Czech womens team who wer disgusting....as the US celebrated the win they threw bottles and then started cheering and making rude gestures when the american guys looked up to see who it was. They got a mouthful from the US and GB girls like but there should be some disiplinary action taken...as players they should know a whole lot better!

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Concerning how players are selected for the mens and womens Team USA (USARS). Players need to attending USARS/AAU Nationals , which this year is being held in New Orleans, the end of July. Not sure what the exact dates are but you can contact USARS or AAU office for the exact dates. This information should be posted on there web sites as well. From the players playing in New Orleans, they are invited to attend a Team USA try out camp (2006). It's from this camp that the actual team is selected. I am sure I have left out many details, but to make USARS 2006 Team USA, you will need to play in New Orleans this year.

Concerning the fan behavior in France, it's unfortunate. The behavior of a few can put a black eye on the whole event. I am sure that the majority of the fans behaved in an orderly manner. I try not to get caught up in these situations, so often they are blown out of proportion. What get's lost in all of this, is the steady improvement of the European teams. This is the publicity I would like to be reading about. From what I can see, most of the countries have elevated the level of play. It's great to see the level of competition, several teams were good enough to win, and this is a positive for the growth of the sport. Rob Chornomud, (USA coach) did a great job in bringing home the gold.

From France many of these countries are going to the World Games in Germany. To my knowlegde this will be the first time Inline hockey has been invited to these games. Hopefully this will be a shot in the arm for inline hockey world wide.

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