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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM v130c shaft

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You know why there are warranties Kosydar? not because its an "added bonus,"  its because if there weren't, nobody would buy a damn 300$ stick that's why. Without the warranties, these companies would make jack squat off of these sticks, cuz i along with many people would sure as hell not buy them without the warranty. Don't go attacking me and accusing me of committing fraud, give me a break. Do you really think a rep. from CCM will see this thread and immediately think to himself " Geez i never knew this could happen, let's raise all the prices of our sticks and take away the warranties." Be real man, and calm down.

Genius, why do you think the companies put a cap on 1 warranty replacement per purchase? It was specifically because of people pulling crap like you.

Yea because people could just break it and send it back, break it and send it back.

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You know why there are warranties Kosydar? not because its an "added bonus,"  its because if there weren't, nobody would buy a damn 300$ stick that's why. Without the warranties, these companies would make jack squat off of these sticks, cuz i along with many people would sure as hell not buy them without the warranty. Don't go attacking me and accusing me of committing fraud, give me a break. Do you really think a rep. from CCM will see this thread and immediately think to himself " Geez i never knew this could happen, let's raise all the prices of our sticks and take away the warranties." Be real man, and calm down.

Genius, why do you think the companies put a cap on 1 warranty replacement per purchase? It was specifically because of people pulling crap like you.

Yea because people could just break it and send it back, break it and send it back.

Thank you, Captain Obvious. Please, don't just reiterate to pad your post count.

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Frankly, I have a hard time people are shelling out that kind of money for a stick in any part because it comes with a 30-d warranty, since as I understand many of these warranties are good for one replacement only. So if you wouldn't buy a stick that DIDN'T come with a 30-d warranty, why would you buy a stick that breaks within 30-d, if all you could get was a single replacement. In other words, if a short 30-d warranty is that important to you, you probably shouldn't be buying that stick.

Well,Maybe you are rich and can afford 5-6 stick at 300CND each but that not my case...I had cyclone(as my first composite stick) it last 1 year...and i paid 100cnd so i did not bother the warrenty it was just a added bonus..

Last year, i bought a z-bubble...i was spetic with the warrenty because of the taper zone which tend to broke alot...well...this shaft last me more then a year! and i paid 135CND...

This year i whanted to try a tapered shaft...well it broker after 36 DAYS!!!! for mot$%??%$ing 6 days , i would have to buy another stick at 250$(and that only the shaft!!) THAT WHY I'M LOOKING for warrenty!!!but my LHS was nice enought and TPS(but i think it more my LHS) to give me another one...

When you play big league...5time per week 1h30 each time...you whant something that will last!! and now i'm happy with my xn10 it still going strong after 6 month

And i bought a L-2 pro stock at 60$ i won't get warrenty but at 60$CND i don't care

I do respect MISSION alot...forgiving a 45 day warrenty...and i think they even offer 2 month(or it an another compagnie or i'm just totally wrong)

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I hear parents tell their kids, "this stick better last you all year for that price" when they look at OPS. The price doesn't stop a lot of them from buying the sticks, it just makes them complain more when they break.

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Well,Maybe you are rich and can afford 5-6 stick at 300CND each but that not my case...

I'm certainly not rich, and I'm an adult who pays for his own gear so although I like my toys, I am sensitive to cost. My point is that I was really tight on money, I wouldn't think of buying a $300 stick IF a measly 30-d warranty was important to me. If I think the likelihood the stick is going to break in 30-d is so great that such a short warranty is important, then I need to be looking at less expensive sticks. If I'm PO'ed that a $300 stick only lasted me 30-d, I'm really not going to be much happier if the same $300 got me two of those sticks which lasted me a total of 60-d.

Like the line in the Baretta theme song says, "don't do the crime if you can't do the time". OK, not a 100% great analogy but I love the line anyways.

I do have a $300 stick and a few $200 shafts, but only because I was able to pick these up for a small fraction of the cost on closeouts. I figured at the prices I got them, I was prepared to take the inevitable risk of breakage and not die crying about it. No way I personally would have been willing to buy that kind of equipment otherwise.

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Man you guys are such assholes, earlier this morning two federal agents came to my door and now i have a court trial in a few weeks and am looking at 5-10 years in prison. You guys are a fucking joke. Normally I don't attack anyone, but seeing how riled up all of you have gotten over this little incident helps me further realize how big of fag's most of you are on this hockey board. A bunch of 30 year old guys with wives and kids who rush home after work and spend hours chatting on a hockey board waiting to see the new one pieces that came in, so you could spend every cent you make on sticks so that you can impress the guys at Wednesday night hockey. I mean seriously how many of you actually play AAA or Junior hockey. Wake up you guys, it's time to step into something called reality. How about taking that 300$ that you save up every week to buy your weekly one piece and go out and do something. Later All-Stars.

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Man you guys are such assholes, earlier this morning two federal agents came to my door and now i have a court trial in a few weeks and am looking at 5-10 years in prison. You guys are a fucking joke. Normally I don't attack anyone, but seeing how riled up all of you have gotten over this little incident helps me further realize how big of fag's most of you are on this hockey board. A bunch of 30 year old guys with wives and kids who rush home after work and spend hours chatting on a hockey board waiting to see the new one pieces that came in, so you could spend every cent you make on sticks so that you can impress the guys at Wednesday night hockey. I mean seriously how many of you actually play AAA or Junior hockey. Wake up you guys, it's time to step into something called reality. How about taking that 300$ that you save up every week to buy your weekly one piece and go out and do something. Later All-Stars.

See ya later.

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I mean seriously how many of you actually play AAA or Junior hockey.

You'd be surprised. Do we have to play in the NHL to like hockey or discuss it in a forum? I didn't think so. BTW that $300 for the stick we actually pay for; not just break it and get a new one every month. How long did it take for you to realize that you could scam a company to get a new stick? Federal agents came to your door? Gimme a break

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Man you guys are such assholes, earlier this morning two federal agents came to my door and now i have a court trial in a few weeks and am looking at 5-10 years in prison. You guys are a fucking joke. Normally I don't attack anyone, but seeing how riled up all of you have gotten over this little incident helps me further realize how big of fag's most of you are on this hockey board. A bunch of 30 year old guys with wives and kids who rush home after work and spend hours chatting on a hockey board waiting to see the new one pieces that came in, so you could spend every cent you make on sticks so that you can impress the guys at Wednesday night hockey. I mean seriously how many of you actually play AAA or Junior hockey. Wake up you guys, it's time to step into something called reality. How about taking that 300$ that you save up every week to buy your weekly one piece and go out and do something. Later All-Stars.

Why dont you get a life ? :rolleyes:

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Man you guys are such assholes, earlier this morning two federal agents came to my door and now i have a court trial in a few weeks and am looking at 5-10 years in prison. You guys are a fucking joke. Normally I don't attack anyone, but seeing how riled up all of you have gotten over this little incident helps me further realize how big of fag's most of you are on this hockey board. A bunch of 30 year old guys with wives and kids who rush home after work and spend hours chatting on a hockey board waiting to see the new one pieces that came in, so you could spend every cent you make on sticks so that you can impress the guys at Wednesday night hockey. I mean seriously how many of you actually play AAA or Junior hockey. Wake up you guys, it's time to step into something called reality. How about taking that 300$ that you save up every week to buy your weekly one piece and go out and do something. Later All-Stars.

Ahhh, the profanity laced tirade. The last resort of the simple mind.

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Man you guys are such assholes, earlier this morning two federal agents came to my door and now i have a court trial in a few weeks and am looking at 5-10 years in prison. You guys are a fucking joke. Normally I don't attack anyone, but seeing how riled up all of you have gotten over this little incident helps me further realize how big of fag's most of you are on this hockey board. A bunch of 30 year old guys with wives and kids who rush home after work and spend hours chatting on a hockey board waiting to see the new one pieces that came in, so you could spend every cent you make on sticks so that you can impress the guys at Wednesday night hockey. I mean seriously how many of you actually play AAA or Junior hockey. Wake up you guys, it's time to step into something called reality. How about taking that 300$ that you save up every week to buy your weekly one piece and go out and do something. Later All-Stars.

we are assholes? your the one admitting you commit fraud, and by you doing this you are poetenialy rasing the prices for all of us. now i call that an asshole move.

oh and its not just 30+ guys theres quite a few teenages on this site.

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They would be selling the exact same stick as they do now.  But because they wouldn't have to "give away" any as warranties, they would see more of a profit from each direct stick.  Therefore, they could lower cost of the stick.  Sticks sell for a lot because people are willing to pay that much for them.

I agree that the company would be selling the customer less if no warranty was offered, and that they could then theoretically afford to lower prices. Whether or not it would make economic sense for them to do so is another question.

My argument is that the most that most people are willing to pay for a top-end stick is about $300, and that the warranty figures in very little, if at all to the decision to pay that kind of money - if you can afford to pay $300, you can't *really* be worrying that much about it breaking in the first 30-days. Therefore, even if their costs were lower by dropping the warranties, I'm skeptical that the companies would lower their prices much, because the people who were buying $300 sticks would probably mostly continue to buy them at that price without a fairly insignificant warranty. There is a reason why every top-end company's top-end OPS costs about the same.

I wouldn't call this gouging, but the companies do have a responsibility to their shareholders to charge the price for their product which will net them the greatest profit. What determines this price is how much demand varies with the price of the product (price elasticity of demand, Economics 101) along with how much cost varies with units produced.

And to go back to the computer example, I DO know people who have abused the system in exactly the same way. One guy I knew bought a 3-y extended warranty for a computer from Circuit City, when it was close to being up he fried the motherboard and got a brand-new, and more powerful (since they no longer made computers as slow as his original) computer. The only way I can imagine that this is economically feasible for the insuring companies (and it must be, given how hard they hawk the extended warranties) is that the people who are buying extended warranties must be mostly fair and responsible adults instead of stupid punk-ass kids like hockeymon who are busy buying sticks that are way too expensive for their Mom and Dad's budget.

Every company's top end stick is the same price because that is where the market is in equilibrium. If one company is able to lower its cost of production (by eliminating warranties) and keeps the price at $300, it will make higher profits in the short run. However, there is an incentive for other firms (who have also lowered their cost of production by eliminating warranties) to lower their retail cost and gain a larger share of the market....so I'd predict that short run to be very short. In order to compete, ALL firms would lower their prices, and a new equilibrium price would exist.

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