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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SyNergy Question

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If i cut my Int. 2003 Synergy Grip will I need to put tapered or standered blade???? Also, which blade generates maximum performance of a synergy shaft????



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It depends where you cut it. If it's at the fuse point, then it uses tapered blades. I recommend that you cut it at the fuse point.

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Guest phillyfan

Synthesis blades work well for me for Synergy Shafts, TPS R2 will fit as well.

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I cut one of my buds, and we had to put a junior blade in, the intermediate wouldnt have fit w/o shaving. I cut at the fuse point.

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so all tapered shafts fit junior blades?

No, Senior, needs a senior blade, intermediate needs a intermediate blade, and junior needs a junior blade. But in some cases when you cut a one piece you will need to go with a different size blade.

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Guest chickmagnet_999

I have a Pro Stock Synergy i got from a easton rep and i broke the blade and i put in a Focus Flex and it works like a charm !!!!

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I have a Pro Stock Synergy i got from a easton rep and i broke the blade and i put in a Focus Flex and it works like a charm !!!!

you put it in the butt end or cut real high up?

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int shaft usually take senior blades

no they dont...they take intermediate blades

Int synth is the only int replacement blade I've ever seen.

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int shaft usually take senior blades

no they dont...they take intermediate blades

Int synth is the only int replacement blade I've ever seen.

nevertheless ljack, i do not believe a senior blade would fit in an intermediate shaft like ol_guff said. unless you shave it down which i think owuld make it pretty briddle

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We're adults and the local shops don't have anything tapered other than old pro stock t-flexes.

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What a crappy store. I live in a town with like 4000 people and our lhs even has some new tapereds. And everyone in the town knows the owners pretty well so they give us deals on stuff. I'm sure a senior wouldn't be any different than a intermiediate. Where did you cut it ljack?

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I tried a couple of different places but it's cut in the "M" right now. The shop that isn't in the rink only stocks CCM and Easton products because they think that's all anyone wants. The rink is for sale and has virtually no stock in anything other than tape.

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My friends brother also has an 85 flex stick that fits a senior r-2. These were bought right when they came out so i don't know if they made a smaller taper in the newer models, but cutting in the middle of the m worked for both of them.

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