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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2-Keys, like the Lexington, KY bar???

haha no :lol: its short for my last name

People misinterpret my nickname all the time too :lol:

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2-Keys, like the Lexington, KY bar???

haha no :lol: its short for my last name

Oh, i thought you were Tim Tookey.


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The point of pick up, or skating in general is to get better every time you step on the ice. Even though its obviously more laid back you get into bad habits doing stupid things.

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Everytime I play pickup I do try to do the little things right. I also skate hard and try to do my best within certain parameters (not checking, extreme slashes, etc).

Not to throw you under the bus, Theo, but is there ever a time to do an 'extreme slash?' It's against the rules. It's a shortcut versus skating harder. Most importantly, you could badly injure someone.

I can understand taking a penalty to prevent someone from scoring, but I can't understand doing something that has a high percentage of hurting someone, possibly quite badly.

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Sorry, Theo, for the misunderstanding.

Hooking doesn't really bother me -- as long as it's called when it's blatant -- but I don't understand why anyone would slash another person. It's meant to hurt someone, period.

The man who runs our league says a couple of times a year he gets a phone call from someone who had his forearm broken by a slash. Think about the pain and expense to that guy. With insurance, he's probably looking at least $100 in medical costs; without insurance, he's looking at a $300-$400. Plus, depending on what he does for work, he might miss a few days and further money.

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One of my customers emailed me tonight saying his arm was fractured by a slash Friday night.

Is that idiotic or what?

Where is he? I think the other guy needs a little of his own medicine. :blink:

Might as well append incidents like this to the "peeve" list.

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Might as well append incidents like this to the "peeve" list.

It certainly would fall under Pet Peeve. :)

It's just that Theo and I had been discussing it earlier in the thread.

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