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My future in hockey

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This past year I finished off my stellar career in junior hockey as I finished up high school. As I move on to college next year, hockey has become a big question mark for me. Unfortunately I'm no were near good enough to let my hockey dictate what school I go to. The college I'm going to has a club team which is pretty good. I could make the team as long as I conditioned for a month or so before tryouts at the end of September. I might not play much my freshman year, but that wouldn't be a problem. The problem for me is I'm not even sure I want to play. I of course want to continue to play for as long as I can, but truth be told, I'm not sure if I want to give up all the time and effort to play on this team. They practice twice a week at 10-midnight, which isn't a big deal, but they have 2 games every weekend from October until February. More than half those games are out of town. The thing that worries me is that I think I'll be missing out on too much my freshman year by having hockey constantly. So this is directed more towards the older guys- were you in a similar situation? What did you do, and would you do it again? Its not that I don't want to play hockey, its just that I think I'd be devoting too much of my life for something. It seems like on something like this, if I really wanted this I wouldn't be questioning it.

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You will have four years to enjoyy all of the experiences of college. The routine and obligation will help you turn down the things you need to turn down and give you an out when you need one.

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Well, I was still unable to play my freshman year, but played an entire season of volleyball my sophmore year. I enjoyed both experiences and wouldn't sacrifice one year for another, but I really can't imagine playing four full years in college.

There is plenty to do during the week in college and you could really enjoy playing hockey for the year.

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I'd at least give the club team a try. I'll be a senior in college this fall, and I regret not trying out for my college's club team as a freshmen. I don't know if I would've made the team then, but I know for sure that I couldn't make it now! Too much beer and pizza these past few years! Anyways, if you feel the club team is too much, you could always back out and just play intramurals.

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I had the same decision to make when I was your age (I just turned 24 last week) I decided to NOT play hockey and it was the dumbest move I could have made. I dropped school after my freshman year (another dumb move), and never had another opourtunity to play competetive ice hockey. If you realy love the game, then I would suggest you continue. But If you can do without the game then dont play. I regret not playing tho.

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I'm playing on my college's roller hockey club team this coming fall (Rutgers University). Nowhere near as good enough for the ice hockey team. I say if you love playing hockey, and don't think you'll have too much to do during the year, go for it. Keep in mind your classes however. The adjustment from high school to college is supposed to be difficult. That's why I took less credits than normal, so that I won't have too many classes to worry about on top of hockey. And as already stated, if you like to play hockey but don't want to commit to a competitive traveling team, you can always do intramurals.

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You might want to consider thinking about how you will feel 5-10 years from now about your decision. If you think later on you won't regret your choice not to play, it's the right move for you. But you don't want to look back on your college years and say I wish I'd stuck with hockey back in the day.

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Im in a situtation similar to yours as well. I know there is know way Ill make my school hockey team as it is a bunch of ex guys from the AHL and the OHL coming back to get educations. I have decided to play Jr B in a small town about 20 minutes from my school. But I wouldnt just give up on hockey all together because you will regret it and there will still be plenty of time to party and get school work done.

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I played some hockey while getting an engineering degree. It is not that hard. Practices at 2 a week will be plannable as far as homework goes unless there is a test the next day. Travelling on the weekends might be the killer, as that is when you either party hearty, or make up some stuff you could not get to during the week. I would say that if you are disciplined enough to take along the books for the away games, you should be able to do it.

The thing you should look at is this. College is a lot of hard studying. Your brain needs a good break with some physical exercise. Hockey, as long as it is not too demanding, might actually help you improve your studies, rather than hurt them.

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Well, I was still unable to play my freshman year, but played an entire season of volleyball my sophmore year. I enjoyed both experiences and wouldn't sacrifice one year for another, but I really can't imagine playing four full years in college.

There is plenty to do during the week in college and you could really enjoy playing hockey for the year.

Excellent points, it would be a lot harder to play your sophmore, junior or senior years if you took a full year off.

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My 2 cents, which is the same as a lot of others' 2 cents, would be to try it out for the first year and see what you think of it after that. It could be hard to make an informed decision without really knowing what it takes and you might enjoy hockey more than you ever have.

Given that, if you want to quit after your first year, you have a sense of discipline and a group of friends to build off for the rest of your college career.

Good luck!

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If you truley think that you dont have a future in hockey after college, which applies to most, you should focus on school.

Hell there is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to experience in and outside of class that you would be missing out on a ton.

For me the choice was simple. The first guy to attend day classes in an all girl college = NO HOCKEY!

I kid not about the all girl thing :)

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Hell there is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to experience in and outside of class that you would be missing out on a ton.

Are you sure about this? It might depend on what school he's going to, but the weekend basically starts on thursday at the very least (sometimes wednesday), so there will be plenty to do during the week. I don't think practice will get in the way too much (unless it's 10-12 on a friday night). And being away every other weekend isn't that big a deal. It's only a real problem if he plans on going back home once a month or so, which would conflict with hockey and school.

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Hell there is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to experience in and outside of class that you would be missing out on a ton.

Are you sure about this? It might depend on what school he's going to, but the weekend basically starts on thursday at the very least (sometimes wednesday), so there will be plenty to do during the week. I don't think practice will get in the way too much (unless it's 10-12 on a friday night). And being away every other weekend isn't that big a deal. It's only a real problem if he plans on going back home once a month or so, which would conflict with hockey and school.

Its all about personal choices. This was mine. With this kind of stuff ask for feedback from as many people as you can. Try to get different opinions on the subject.

In the end its all about what you decide and nothing else.

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if i get into college hockey ill take both schooling and hockey seriously ,that way if i dont make it in hockey i have school to fall back on.

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i remember an interview on tv with Paul Kariya and he was talking about all the sacrifices he had to make when he was playing hockey in school. about all the times he had to stay behind and study while his friends went out, all the friends he lost, no girl friend and all that. if you have any second thoughts about how you want to spend your time then maybe college hockey isn't for you. i'm sure there will always be beer leagues to play in if it's just for fun. If you do play it should only because you plan on giving it everything you have with school being first, hockey second and social life last if any.

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I think Kariya may have had a little more grueling schedule. Two 2-hour practices is nothing. Unless you have 3 morning classes the next day, it won't be that big a deal.

I don't know if I would have played volleyball for the school my last year if I could have, but I had a great time playing while I could. I went to a tough academic school and didn't have too many problems keeping up with school work. Yes, I did miss out on some things around campus, but missing every other weekend wasn't that bad and we had a good time at away games.

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It'll be a tough schedule but do it. I had baseball and it had a brutal schedule but a blown shoulder will do wonders in freeing up times for things like classes and such.

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Kosy, i was in your exact position last year, i had a spot on my uni's team, but chose not too play. I took the year to concentrate on school and got my marks pretty high. This fall I've got the same decision to make again. The only difference is is our practices are 4 times a week 8-10am, so it could be worse...

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Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'm going to the University of Oregon next year. The practices are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wednesdays I have class at 9 and Fridays I have class at 10. Plus on Fridays in order to get tickets to any basketball or football games, you have to go stand in line starting at 6. I really wish that hockey wasn't a fall/winter sport, and that I could just have a term to get adjusted to college life before playing. Ideally I'd like to take a year off, just play beer league one night a week, and live the college life for a year. Then sophomore year I can reevalate where I stand. Thats what I'm leaning towards now, although I'm wondering what the chances of me going back after taking a year off are.

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i remember an interview on tv with Paul Kariya and he was talking about all the sacrifices he had to make when he was playing hockey in school. about all the times he had to stay behind and study while his friends went out, all the friends he lost, no girl friend and all that. if you have any second thoughts about how you want to spend your time then maybe college hockey isn't for you. i'm sure there will always be beer leagues to play in if it's just for fun. If you do play it should only because you plan on giving it everything you have with school being first, hockey second and social life last if any.

thumbs up for Paul, he made what he have to do to be what he is right now.

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I'm guessing the away games will be a hike? If you're worried about time issues, then that's a big strike against playing.

Closest aways games are in Seattle, which is a 6 hour drive. They also go to Spokane, LA, Berkley, ect. So it definitely isn't an easy travel schedule.

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There were times I thought back and wished I had played in college. I could have made the D III squad we had, pretty much confirmed my junior year when I played in a men's league with some of the guys and they asked why I didn't try out.

However, the way the hockey team partied, I think my schooling would have suffered. So every time I think I missed out on the hockey there my degree brings me back.

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