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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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L7/Pitch Holder

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I finally got to try a pair on. They only had a 6.5, the 6.0's dont get in for another couple weeks. The 6.5 will get me into a Sr skate, but the blade looked a lot longer than my XX's. According to the chart in the mission catalogue the 6.5 is a 254 blade size. Does anyone know how that compares to a 5.5 XX's blade? I cant seem to find that information online, and the shop didnt have a 5.5 for me to compare with. I may just have to bring my XX's into the shop....

How much will a longer blade effect a persons skating?

Also thanks for everyones help at ModSquad, it is greatly appreciated.

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In my last skate change I went from a size 7 Mission to a size 10, and there was a bigger blade on the 10. It felt really wierd skating, really clumsy with crossovers and quickstarts, for about a week or two but I eventually got used to it and now they feel great.

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it should not matter. 9ft radius = 9ft radius.

Most sharpeners round off the toe and heel over time and Mission has an 11ft radius out of the box. That said, you are right, an 11 is the same from everyone.

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Dont the light speed come at a 9ft radius?

Yes but that doesn't change the length of the steel, only the arc along the ice.

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