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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting Game

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My coach and I were practicing this weekend and I told him that I was kinda starting to get burned out on drills and stuff and was thinking about taking a week off. My pratice has kind reached one of those plateau's and I'm having a rough time with it, I'm practicing with others and I just don't have the legs I want and I'm having trouble keeping up with them. You know how it is. Anyway we worked up a game and I wanted to share with you guys becaus I thought it was a blast. This is really good if you're woking with someone who is better than you.

For this game you need one end of the ice with a goal, and about 20 some odd pucks. Toss the pucks down randomly kinda keeping them in the same vicinity. Each person with take a shot on goal, but the person not making the shot gets to choose which puck the shooter uses. If you make a goal you get one point, if you miss the other person gets a point. If you hit another puck the other person gets a point for each other puck you hit. If you hit anoter puck and make it in, you both get a point. After you score the puck is pulled out of the net and returned to the mass. We played games to 15 points and had some excellent shots.

This was a nice diversion and I got to work on my slap shot in a fun way. I'm sure some of you have done something similar to this before, but I just thought I was a blast and had to share.

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we plays hockey baseball ,not excatly safe but still fan. its set up like baseball but instead of taging out or anything you have to pass it to 1st 2nd 3rd base and home and the runner and to make it home before that happend. and the pitch was a hard pass you had to one time.

one other one is where you have teams in all 4 corners and they pick one person to skate behind the net and shoot right when you get passed the goal line to the other side where theres....a net. if you missed your team had to do 2 laps.

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I don't mean to sound like I'm harping on you. But if you find you can't keep up shouldn't you work harder at those drills or maybe hit the gym instead of taking a week off or practicing stand still drills?

Just on observation, again I am not trying to get on your case. :)

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I don't mean to sound like I'm harping on you.  But if you find you can't keep up shouldn't you work harder at those drills or maybe hit the gym instead of taking a week off or practicing stand still drills?

Just on observation, again I am not trying to get on your case.  :)

Harp Away! :P I'm just suffering through shock of working at one level and taking the next step. Up to this point I was just learning to skate and for the most part it came pretty easy. Now i'm learining to handle the puck and shoot and it is NOT as easy as it looked. I also keep learning that no matter how much better shape I get in, its still not good enough. It took me 20 years to get this out of shape and I'm not gonna be an athlete over night. So I got frustrated because I want it NOW damnit! I'm blessed in having a Coach who I get along well with and who knows where I want to be and is willing to help me get there, sometimes in spite of myself. On Saturday I was feeling winded and wanted to quit 15 minutes early, most coaches would have said, he's paid up sure its free money after all, but my coach just let me take a little longer breather and then put my a$$ back to work.

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theres a huge difference between hockey shape and "shape."

All I know is that round is not the shape I should be in. :P

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LOL. Not a big deal at all. Since your playing strictly for leisure at this point shape does not really matter. Its always nice to see people picking the game up late. Its unfortunate so many people miss out on how great of a game it is.

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Being up at the local outdoor rink all the time in the winter we play some little games from time to time when we're to lazy to play a real game. The first and best is "bars". You play with like 3-7 people and you get at the blue line with a puck and aim for the bars, hence the name. The crossbar is worth 7 points the side posts are worth 3 the top corner posts are worth 10 and if you can get the puck to land in the top of the net you get 15 points, and you play to 24. We play golf in like early march when the ice gets to soft to skate and we play it in our shoes. You take like an orange weighted puck and shoot it somewhere on the ice and the first person to hit it with their black puck wins that round and gets to shoot the orange puck. The last game that we play is 21 which is just like the basketball game.

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Something we do just as a goofaround after a late game/last game of the night...usually if we smoked a team and our goalie didn't face many shots. :D

"Goalie Wars" (basically a helluva goalie workout but also helps players pass in close)

Basically it's a 4 on 0 situation but it can be modified to be 3 on 0 or 5 on 0 or whatever....you get the idea. One player shoots from between the circles and the other players are evenly lined up to the sides of the net (ala free throw style). If the player shoots and scores, the "player team" get a point. If the goalie saves it and covers, the "goalie team" gets a point. If the goalie lets up a rebound, the players get 2 passes before they must shoot. Again if he lets up a rebound, play stays alive and the players get 2 passes. If he saves and covers, he gets a point. If the puck hits the board at any point, it's a dead puck and no points are awarded. The players just rotate to take turns shooting.

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tie a water bottle to both the top corner. Shoot from anywhere from 20 ft onwards. First player to shoot calls the type of shot made and which corner. Guys who miss have to do 5 pushups... game ends when someone cannot take it anymore (from all the pushups).

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As most everyone else feels, I'm glad to see more people getting into hockey. I didn't know you were just learning.

Best of luck, and remember to have fun. We've got a lot of great people here that'll be more than happy to help you out w/ advice.

Also I'm sure I say this more than most like to hear it, but work on your skating. It's just about the most important physical aspect of hockey and it can help make up for other parts of your game that may not be up to par. (That's not to say, don't work on everything B) )

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21 liek basketball.

1 on 1 on 1, 1 tender, you score, 1 point, then shoot from blue line or closer for 2 points. can really get intense

and goalie war is also known as rebound

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and goalie war is also known as rebound

Ah I figured there was a technical name for it. Our college team just always called it "Goalie War" for some reason or another.

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My kids team last year played donkey. Everyone goes one-on-one against the goalie. If you score you sit out. The last guy standing is the "donkey", and has to fill water bottles all week long.

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I saw this one really cool drill on MSU's website with a feature on them from CSTV. They call it the slowest spartan. They start in heats of 3 and the guy that wins each one is safe. Then they narrow it down to the final two guys and they form a gauntlet down the ice. The last two guys can do anything and like tackle each other (they're spartans for a reason ;) ) and then the guy who loses the last set has to wear a yellow helmet in practice that week. I know I wouldn't want to wear the yellow bucket..

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Something we do just as a goofaround after a late game/last game of the night...usually if we smoked a team and our goalie didn't face many shots.  :D

"Goalie Wars"  (basically a helluva goalie workout but also helps players pass in close)

Basically it's a 4 on 0 situation but it can be modified to be 3 on 0 or 5 on 0 or whatever....you get the idea.  One player shoots from between the circles and the other players are evenly lined up to the sides of the net (ala free throw style).  If the player shoots and scores, the "player team" get a point.  If the goalie saves it and covers, the "goalie team" gets a point.  If the goalie lets up a rebound, the players get 2 passes before they must shoot.  Again if he lets up a rebound, play stays alive and the players get 2 passes.  If he saves and covers, he gets a point.  If the puck hits the board at any point, it's a dead puck and no points are awarded.  The players just rotate to take turns shooting.

That's an amazing game, we play it all the time. We call it the rebound game around here though. Points are different though. Slightly modified rules: if you score on the initial shot it's 5 points for your team, if you miss the net on the initial shot it's 5 for the goalie. A save (cover, catch, tip wide, etc) is 2 points for the goalie and a goal after a rebound is 2 points for the players. Only one attempt to score on a rebound but you can pass as many times as you want. If it goes behind the goal line or really far away it's considered a save. Play to 45 points and rotate shooters after every time you miss the net or the goalie makes a save.

Another fun game I play is called "Crossbar". 2 player game - you have a bunch of pucks at the top of the circles in about the center (the slot except farther back) and you take turns. First person shoots, hits the crossbar it's 2 points. If you miss the next person goes. After hitting the crossbar you go shoot the puck again. If you get to it before it stops moving you can take a wrist shot or snap shot (you just can't stop it and set up again) but if it stops before you get to it you have to take a slapshot. For the second shot if you make it in the net it's another point for you and you're done, next person. If you hit the crossbar again on the second shot it's 2 more points and you keep going, do the same thing until you make it into the net or miss the net. Play to about 15 points, and it's really fun. The most I've scored in one 'turn' is 5 after hitting the crossbar twice then scoring a goal.

Edit - Didn't read all the psots to realize that it has been mentioned that it's also called the rebound game. Oh well not a big deal, just wanted to clarify.

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