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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Possible solution to SL/Stealth Paint Chipping?

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All it is ,is a thick tape and is very sticky and will take off all the paint on those sticks,overall its not worth buying

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I have bought a roll of the "Super Shaft Saver" tape by Renfrew and I give it a thumbs down. Overall the grip isn't too bad, but as mentioned above it's too thick and it adds too much to the diameter of the stick. Even though we're only talking millimeters, I can feel a difference. This is coming from a guy with small hands so perhaps someone with bigger hands wouldn't have the problem.

In response to the original topic, it does protect the paint job if that's what you're looking for in it. I did peel it off my L2 shaft and let's just say my L2 now looks like one of Eddie Van Halen's old guitar paint jobs. :D

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I have bought a roll of the "Super Shaft Saver" tape by Renfrew and I give it a thumbs down. Overall the grip isn't too bad, but as mentioned above it's too thick and it adds too much to the diameter of the stick. Even though we're only talking millimeters, I can feel a difference. This is coming from a guy with small hands so perhaps someone with bigger hands wouldn't have the problem.

In response to the original topic, it does protect the paint job if that's what you're looking for in it. I did peel it off my L2 shaft and let's just say my L2 now looks like one of Eddie Van Halen's old guitar paint jobs. :D

well the shaft saver is only supposed to be used on the bottom 12inches or so of the stick not the entire thing. its supposed to just protect the main area of the stick

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That is correct but it is also supposed to serve as a " soft grip" function is it not? In which case the grippiness is fine, just a bit thick for my bottom hand which ends up low on the stick for shots, mainly slapshots.

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Is your stick modeling? Who cares about chipping, my stealth looks like its been to hell and back and I've used it twice.

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Is your stick modeling? Who cares about chipping, my stealth looks like its been to hell and back and I've used it twice.

If you're not going to contribute to the post, don't bother posting.

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when i first saw this stuff at sportchek i thought it was like normal tape for your blade or something then I looked at it again and saw the thinnest roll of tape going for like $20. I never thought it would be worth the money :D

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i know people who put couple layers of regular stick tape over their whole shaft they say its for grip and so the stick doesnt end up looking batard thats sure to stop damage but then whats the point when people can't see the paint

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THERES AN IDEA! Why not cover your blade in that renfrew shaft-saver stuff.... if it's as durable as it says... it could be worth it in a sense that you wouldnt have to retape very much...i wonder how the grip would affect puck control though?

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THERES AN IDEA! Why not tape your blade with this stuff? If it's as durable as I've heard than it would save the task of retaping... i think it's worth a shot... but i wonder how the grip would affect puck control... :unsure:

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brilliant, holmes...you've restated what you said in your first post

if you don't want the sticks to chip, go with that someone said already and spray clearcoat on it...besides...without the chips the sticks don't have character anyways...

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