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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 777

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I remember a couple months ago there were a few posts about an easton 777 stick on a swedish website(if i remember correctly). Well I was just on the thehockeyshop.com, and they have one listed for 129.99

Does anyone have any pics or info on this stick?

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is it a woodie?

No,its composite.

# Super priced 1 piece stick from Easton

# Composite construction for greater durability

# Performance blade for better feel and power

# Proprietary lightweight graphite composite shaft construction

# Low kickpoint engineered for quick load/release

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I've heard it should be just like the 'One' only a step higher an expensive price point OPS. Easton is slowly bringing their stick prices down. One of there goals this year was to make some cheap OPS for house players and the like. (One/777)


Wonder when my LHS will recieve it?

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someone has the link for it on here, i know it, search for Easton 777...no one really knows of it, so that's why you couldn't find it

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It looks ok. Not bad, not good. Does anyone know what curves this will come in?

Same flex and curves as the One. I think it looks ugly in that picture but maybe in real life it may look better.The Hockey Shop usually puts up real pics of products so a real pic should be up on their site soon.

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It looks like a cheap version of the Axion, which isn't a pretty stick in my opinion either, but if it performs well, it doesn't really matter.

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I just went on Eastons site and The one comes in 95,65, and 50 so I think the comp comes in 95, 65, and 50 also.

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