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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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composite butt end

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i have a composite butt end i was going to put into my synthesis.. the only question i have is.. does it matter how long the part that is going into the shaft is?? the part of the butt end that is inserted into the shaft is 1 3/8". i have another that is longer, the standard length, which is 2". will the shorter butt end hold up okay with enough glue, or will it damage the shaft or just come loose?? any input would be great. don't ask why it was cut, i didn't cut it, and i don't know why anyone would. thanks

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does the length matter??

I keep telling my girlfriend that it doesn't........ ;)

haha.. and what does she have to say about that?

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Stuff like "stop wearing my panties on your head" and "the court says you can't come within 200 feet of me for the next 7 years"

Oh wait.... that's a different subject....

hahaha.. it sounds like you two have a great relationship!! i wish i could say the same.i don't think my GF would let me wear her panties on my head. although my head is pretty big, so they might not fit!! hmmm.... i should i try that...

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it shouldn't damage the shaft. if anything, the butt end will be more susceptible to breakage if the hosel part is shorter. but since it's composite, it shouldn't be that drastic like if you were using a shorter wooden extension.

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i thought i was clear when i posted. i'm not talking about the length of the butt end extension. i'm talking about the part that is applied inside the shaft with glue. the part that sticks out of the shaft is normal length, the part that goes INSIDE THE SHAFT is pretty short, so i was wondering if it will stay in securely without damaging the shaft. i drew a diagram.. maybe this will clear up any confusion.


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