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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightest Pants

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I'm in the market for a new pair of pants that are light. It's hard because right now I have the '01 Easton Air's. These puppies are pretty damn light. I was looking for something in the Synergy 900 price point range. Which is lighter, the 900 Synergies or the 9000 Tackla's? Any other suggestions?

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Call me crazy, but pant weight is really irrelevant to choosing equipment. I'm guessing you weigh over 150 pounds, having 4 pound pants or 5.5 pound pants is not going to make any difference at all.

Pick protection over weight

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a girdle and shell

Every kid I've seen with a major hip injury was wearing a girdle and shell, a mid-level pant is cheaper and more effective protection. For the price of a top end girdle and shell, you can buy a very protective top end pant.

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go with the easton 900's. they've got a lot of protection, and they're not THAT heavy. as mentioned earlier.. what's an extra pound or 2, if that.. between pants? you'd be better off with heavy pants that have a lot of protection.

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Chadd what are you talking about i got a hip injury whereing a regual pant then i switched to a girdle with a shell and havent had a problem

well, have you fallen on that same spot with as much impact in your girdle as you did in regular pants?

you can't say a girdles more protective if you've never fallen harshly in the boards or onto the ice, as you have in regular pants.

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yeah i have fallen on the same spot with about the same amount of impact but when i got the injury but i dont think the pants i wore were that top of quality so that may have it..............................

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yeah i have fallen on the same spot with about the same amount of impact but when i got the injury but i dont think the pants i wore were that top of quality so that may have it..............................

Sounds like you had cheap pants or they didn't fit you properly. Most of the damage I see with girdles comes from getting rubbed out along the boards.

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If you have access to a THG store around you the Bauer-Flak 15 pants are my favorite out now. Those and the other normal model Bauer pants seem very light to me without sacraficing protection. Easton Synergy 900s have a lot of protection, but are a bit heavier than others.

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Bauer 6000. If you know how to take a hit, protection doesn't matter with them.

they're a nice pant. But if you're a grinder in front of the net, it's gonna hurt when a shot finds somewhere you aren't padded.

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Bauer 6000. If you know how to take a hit, protection doesn't matter with them.

they're a nice pant. But if you're a grinder in front of the net, it's gonna hurt when a shot finds somewhere you aren't padded.

mission m-1's. you can stand in front of bullets with only feeling a slight ping

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