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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wooden Synthesis Blades: shorter from heel to toe?

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Has anyone noticed that the new wooden Synthesis blades are shorter from heel to toe than the hybrid and full composite ones? I just picked up two Sakic's to replace two broken hybrid Sakic's and played with them yesterday. they are about 1/2" to 3/4" shorter. i only use the Sakic pattern and was so excited when they came out with the full wood version Synthesis blades. Even though the wood provides a feel way better (Hybrid) and for so much cheaper (si-core) than the other options...I may have to dump these. I hate Easton for getting me hooked on these and providing poor quality.

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They might not be examples of poor quality. Many of the stick manufacturers have come out with lower flex-points on their OPS's to increase shot speed. To my understanding, the shorter hosel on the blades replicates this.

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I thought the modano synthesis blade I picked up looked shorter than usual. I thought it was just me,but I guess I'm not the only one.The blade didn't have a very long life either,lasting just two sticktimes.

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I thought the modano synthesis blade I picked up looked shorter than usual. I thought it was just me,but I guess I'm not the only one.The blade didn't have a very long life either,lasting just two sticktimes.

I ended up getting a modano one cuz the sakic looked like crap, but I ended just curving it myself when I got home, but its lasted me 2 practices and its still holding up.

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ive always found the wood curves diffrent then the comp. i bought a wood easton blade in modano and the cruve wasnt anything like the curve on the comp. blades.

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ive always found the wood curves diffrent then the comp. i bought a wood easton blade in modano and the cruve wasnt anything like the curve on the comp. blades.

There is always more consistancy with composite because of the moulds that they are cast in.

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buddy its like this with every wood blade/stick from each company. go to your lhs and look at the wood sticks, the ones in bunches, i bet you find at least 2 that look different

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I know about the curves being different but since the blade is shorter, I'll find some other blade. I went to my LHS to get my skates sharpened and held up a wood synth. with a composite and the wood is shorter.

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I've found Yzerman curves to be different on like every other stick i look at no matter if its would or composite.

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thanks for the replies. and right, i was talking only about blade length. not hosel length or difference in curves. there's no reason for the actual blade to be shorter, Easton is just lame sometimes.

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Arent Eastons wood patterns actually different than the composites? I remember looking at their blade chart and they had one for wood and composite.

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Arent Eastons wood patterns actually different than the composites? I remember looking at their blade chart and they had one for wood and composite.

Some curves offered in wood, were not offered in composite.

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Um...it's wood!

Wood products are not consistent from batch to batch.

Thats for sure, I have a Sakic that looks more like Drury and I've seen Drurys that look like Ysermans

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