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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Windows Vista codename Longhorn

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It's their new O/S that people are testing. One guy at my work is testing it and all I heard was "I'm glad I went with Apple" so take that as you will.

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just ignore the fact someone else owns the trademark "vista" in the computing field. With all of the tracking "features" in the new Windows, I really don't see myself upgrading for a long long time. I might even start to piss around with the linux box in the corner.

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Im clueless, whats the deal with the 'codename Longhorn' and stuff

During development, they always use a project name as the final name is usually decided later by the marketing department. Development on Longhorn started back around 2001. Windows XP was "whistler" if I remember correctly.

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Thanks for that Chadd its answered all my queries.

I used to get his newsletter when I was doing the computer thing for a living.

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Haven't they used this name before? I seem to rememeber some project way back when that was referred to as Longhorn.

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Haven't they used this name before? I seem to rememeber some project way back when that was referred to as Longhorn.

I don't recall them using it before starting up this project. It has been going on for a while, even before the public announcement four years ago.

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Yeah me too, what's up with the half wood goin on there?

"Sticky Fingers" Rolling Stones

I have the original vinyl with a zipper as well. The first shipments back in the 60's(?) showed up at stores and they all had scratches or skipped in the same spot. They figured out they had to ship the records with the zipper pulled down to avoid scratching the one on top of it in the stack.

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Haven't they used this name before? I seem to rememeber some project way back when that was referred to as Longhorn.

Longhorn development has been going on for well over 5 years. I was part of the "unoffical Whistle Beta Team". What did this mean? It ment that I was on IRC, downloaded the betas and thought I was cool because I was using windows xp. I was using whistler way back when. I actualy am on my old pc right now, and I still am using the final beta build of windows xp, right before it went master gold. Build 2600, and it was ripped by Devils Own. Ahhh them were the days.

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