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MSH fantasy football

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Ok, two questions.

Who would do a MSH fantasy football league?

Mods, if there's a decent response would I be allowed to start a MSH yahoo football league?

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I'm not really sure what it is but since its free I'll give it a try. What do you do just pick some players and try to win?

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I'm not really sure what it is but since its free I'll give it a try. What do you do just pick some players and try to win?

yeah, pick who you start for the week and such.

it's a lot easier than baseball because you only pick your lineup once a week instead of daily

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Have you ever tried The Sporting News fantasy games? I find them to be really easy.

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Have you ever tried The Sporting News fantasy games? I find them to be really easy.

Nah, I haven't. But I did hear they're pretty easy.

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Heres the scoope about The Sporting News fantasy.....

Invest $35 million in a winning football team. You pick 7 players for the following.

2 Quarterbacks

2 Running Backs

2 Wide Recievers

Defense(you pick a team for your defense)

Each player has a different value. For instance Peyton Manning could be worth 7.6 million but he could drop to 5.6 million the next week. YOu only have $35 mil to spend so you spend wisely. Every week you get 1 trade so you can swap a player or so.

You get points for passing, touchdowns, interceptions etc.. I think its really easy and fun to use. No draft either! So i could have Tom Brady and Peyton Manning for QB and some other guy could have Tom Brady and Drew Bledsoe.

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I made the league, and the draft is the 15. But I'm not releasing the ID or PW until the mods ok this.

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Heres the scoope about The Sporting News fantasy.....

Invest $35 million in a winning football team. You pick 7 players for the following.

2 Quarterbacks

2 Running Backs

2 Wide Recievers

Defense(you pick a team for your defense)

Each player has a different value. For instance Peyton Manning could be worth 7.6 million but he could drop to 5.6 million the next week. YOu only have $35 mil to spend so you spend wisely. Every week you get 1 trade so you can swap a player or so.

You get points for passing, touchdowns, interceptions etc.. I think its really easy and fun to use. No draft either! So i could have Tom Brady and Peyton Manning for QB and some other guy could have Tom Brady and Drew Bledsoe.

That's the league I was in with my cousin. I thought it was Sportline, but I realize now it was The Sporting News.

Miike's right, it was very easy and a good format.

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I think there are lots of spots available. Its not set-up yet mik3 hasent gotten the "Ok" yet i dont think.

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If theres still room Ill join...I already got a general one going on Sporting News but Ill do a MSH one for yahoo too if theres room.

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If theres still room Ill join...I already got a general one going on Sporting News but Ill do a MSH one for yahoo too if theres room.

Could i join your Sporting News one? I love SN

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