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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Multiple pairs of skates

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I was thinking about getting two pairs of skates for the upcoming season in order to be able to break in both and then alternate through the season, letting one pair be able to dry well and stuff.

Does this make any sense first of all? I would rather not have to get a new pair of skates right near the end of the season and have to break them in for the tournament and stuff.

I got nike v-12's in early march, and they were dead mid-july, and now it's a chore skating on them at all. Any recomendations as to what I can do?

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Try to get really stiff skates and then they will be fine all year,the nikes look really flimsy to begin with anyway.

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the v-12s feel alright at first, but they loose thier stiffness pretty rapidly. depending on your budget, if you can afford 2 pairs of skates for the season, why not. but if not, you might want to go with a stiffer boot

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I've known guys to transition into new skates, but not break in two pairs at once!

In other words, guys play with current skates. Once they start betting beat up, the get new ones and use those at stick & puck and general skating with the wife to get them broken in. Once they're broken in, old skates out, use new skates on game day.


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If you have the $$$ I think it's a great idea to have two pairs. What if you crack a holder or blade in the middle of the season or a tournament? Emergency pair to the rescue.

I just bought a new pair of Pure Fly's to back up my regular pair.

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If you've got the money or don't have to pay for them it's a great idea. A lot of junior, college and pro players rotate between 2 (or sometimes more) pairs of skates to give them a chance to dry out. This is really only necessary if you play every day or more than once a day regularly. The skates will last longer for them that way.

Is it really necessary for an average recreational or amateur player? I doubt it. Is it necessary even for kids who skate every day, but weigh well under 200 lbs? No. Chances are if you're playing at a level where you have to pay for your own skates, you won't need to rotate multiple pairs. And if you do buy 2 pairs to wear for men's league 2 or 3 nights a week, will you really get more value out of spending $800+ on 2 pairs of skates at once than if you spent $400 and then another $400 when you need a new pair? Very unlikely. But hey, it's your money.

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I tried on skates again today, the 8090's in 8.5's had less room than last time. I'm still growing, so I stuck with one pair.

Ugh, it seems like my bodies going crazy, all this growing and muscle growth kills ya. :lol:

Thanks for the input everyone though.

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Heyyyy, you guys are scaring me... i jsut bought the flexlite...and they seem stiff as hell(i skate in them for 5 hours and i don't even see a small break-in!!) and now you are saying that they felt apart super fast:S

Any one had change with their nike skate...or do anybody know if the structure of the Flexlite-Vapor(i tihnk they are pretty the same) are more durable??:S:S

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there s great skate, i skated in them for a season or two and loved them. they are like all the other high end light skates on the market though. depeniding on how hard and how many times a week you use them, youll prlly start to notice a break down closer to teh end of the year, or the early spring. thats how it was for me at least. i skate 3-5 times a week on them pretty hard

goood luck to ya

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Studies have shown that footware will last three times as long when rotated with a second pair. The drying is a key. If you have the $$$, nothing wrong with getting a second pair. A cheaper and better alternative is to get a dry-guy boot dryer to circulate cool air in the skate between skating sessions.

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I tried on skates again today, the 8090's in 8.5's had less room than last time. I'm still growing, so I stuck with one pair.

Ugh, it seems like my bodies going crazy, all this growing and muscle growth kills ya. :lol:

Thanks for the input everyone though.

If you're still growing I wouldn't even think about getting a second pair.

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