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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New brands in the NHL?

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Not that I expect people to know the endorsements of equipment before the season has even started, but is it likely that we'll see any players in the NHL wearing any "new" brands this season, I'm thinking about brands like Rebellion, Salming, Sande, Kor, Hefter (helmets) and others that haven't been represented in the NHL before?

I know that Sheldon Souray used Rebellion gloves last season while playing in Sweden, maybe he'll stick to them (if he liked them)? I have heard somewhere that Salming might have a few players in the SEL wearing their stuff this season, maybe someone will do the same in the NHL? I know it has to do with licensing fees and such, but maybe some of these companies have paid that fee to get more publicity now when the NHL is back?

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We have a few players that want to use our sticks and gloves, and a few more that we've been in conversation with, but the truth is the licensing fee might prove to be prohibitive. $25K for each product line is tough for smaller companies to absorb, yet it's such a common question, "Who's wearing your equipment?"

Quite the Catch-22, huh? :)

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PuckSkin will be there too. Many NHLers already wear PuckSkin, but since we don't pay them, It's hard to get the full blown endorsement. At least when we announce our new crop of NHlers, you can know that they are wearing PuckSkin for different reasons than money...


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We have a few players that want to use our sticks and gloves, and a few more that we've been in conversation with, but the truth is the licensing fee might prove to be prohibitive. $25K for each product line is tough for smaller companies to absorb, yet it's such a common question, "Who's wearing your equipment?"

Quite the Catch-22, huh? :)


what am I? chopped liver?? :blink:

seriously, three skates in, I love the gloves! lots of guys eyeing them up...


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I'm pretty sure Brad May and Zach Parise use Sande gloves. Not sure if they still are going to this season but I know they did before the lockout.

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They don't wear them in games. Gary had a pic of May in the pregame skate then switched back to whatever he was wearing.

Alright maybe May doesn't then but I know Parise does/did. In the 2004 World Juniors, Parise was wearing MaxQ's without the logos.

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Yes, Kor will be in.

Vince mentioned that when I talked to him last week.


Gary said he had a few NHL players that will be wearing them in the upcoming season and I believe they have paid the licensing fee so you will see the logo.


They had an official or two wearing the skates during the last season, I don't what they will have this year.

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They don't wear them in games.  Gary had a pic of May in the pregame skate then switched back to whatever he was wearing.

Alright maybe May doesn't then but I know Parise does/did. In the 2004 World Juniors, Parise was wearing MaxQ's without the logos.

World Juniors are different since equipment can be blacked out and the like. Keep in mind who sponsors the AHL when it comes to gloves...

In the new ESPNMag with Beckham on the cover that came out yesterday to subscribers, there is a pic of Parise the NHL section and he's wearing CCM 852s in an Albany uniform. But as Chadd said and talking to Gary, they might pay the fee.

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How does the $25,000 fee work? Does the money go to the player or the league? So, what if I make the NHL this year and want to use my home grown JJ gloves, can I? Or does a fee have to be paid by the manufacturer, and to whom?


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Do the manufacturers pay the league once? In other words, does Bauer (or whomever) pay the league a one time fee of $25,000 no matter the number of people using their equipment, or is there some kind of formula?

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JR, I spoke to the gentleman at the NHL about a month ago and, after I hung up the phone I realized I should have confirmed this, but it seemed it was only visible products that had to be certified.

Thus: skates, gloves, helmets, sticks and pants (although CCM has the deal, right?). I believe the interior protective equipment did not require certification.

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JR, I spoke to the gentleman at the NHL about a month ago and, after I hung up the phone I realized I should have confirmed this, but it seemed it was only visible products that had to be certified.

Thus: skates, gloves, helmets, sticks and pants (although CCM has the deal, right?). I believe the interior protective equipment did not require certification.

Elbow pads have to meet certain specs to be approved for use if I remember correctly. No hard caps are permitted.

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One of my teammates has a Jnr sponsorship with Salming here in Aus.. I quite like the G1 Ops, i think thats it.. the orange one.. just a little on the heavy side though..

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That's great news for your friend. And I'm glad you like the G1. I love it myself, although the Canadian distributor swears by the TF1. Either way, they both weigh 495 grams, about a pound and an ounce.

Sweden has alerted us to a new stick -- the TF Evolution -- that will weight 435 grams, but I'm not sure what its production schedule will be.

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That's great news for your friend. And I'm glad you like the G1. I love it myself, although the Canadian distributor swears by the TF1. Either way, they both weigh 495 grams, about a pound and an ounce.

Sweden has alerted us to a new stick -- the TF Evolution -- that will weight 435 grams, but I'm not sure what its production schedule will be.

He also let me have a practice using his Salming Gloves.. Im pretty sure that they were the PG1 Series.. But im not 100% sure so dont hold me to it ;) .. Over all, i was very impressed with them, they arn't a tight fit glove yet they were not loose either, nice shape and style - quite asthetically pleasing, Blue fade to Black leather sporting the Salming logo.. Very comfy fit, comparible to my Vapor XX's but with a little bit more protection, ohh, and i liked the cuff on them..


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Those are the '04 PG1's. I like them alot. They really contour the shape of the wrist well, while they fit quite well around the shaft. The only problem is they don't open up widely initially, so it's a touch difficult to pick up a fallen stick. After a few weeks, however, they loosen up and become quite comfortable.

We have a new version of the PG1 that is incredibly comfortable off the rack, but, the more I've talked to people who've used both, the more I realize it's the "off the rack" that's the difference. Ultimately, the 2004's loosen up to be similarly comfortable, but the 2005's feel better right out of the bag.

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I went to the Hefter site and the helmet looks good - tech wise and visually. Is it HECC certified ?

Last I had heard, they were still shooting for that. By now, it is likely certified. Just a matter of getting them through mass production and then through their distribution chains. The Penalty Box is still waiting for them to arrive (http://www.thepenaltybox.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=7741) and some other snags (such as limited distributors) have delayed full roll out. There's a thread on the helmets around here somewhere.

I did write them, and got a reply from the owner. Nice and pleasant guy by all appearances.

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