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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rocker - Lie and Butt End

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A couple of quick questions:

1. I understand that a blade like a Sakic doesn't have a true lie due to the size of the rocker. I mostly wear my Sakic on the heel to mid section of the blade. With a rockered blade should I still be looking to wear more toward the middle or is it really personal preference?

2. What is the benefit of having a plug in the end of my stick? Does the plug impact the flex or durability in any way?


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It's really how you like your blade, alot of blade on the ice or not alot. Which ever works best for your shot. As for the sakic question, it technically does have a lie because all the lie is the angle the blade meets the shaft. And no, an end plug does not affect durability. ;) hope it helps

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A couple of quick questions:

1. I understand that a blade like a Sakic doesn't have a true lie due to the size of the rocker. I mostly wear my Sakic on the heel to mid section of the blade. With a rockered blade should I still be looking to wear more toward the middle or is it really personal preference?

2. What is the benefit of having a plug in the end of my stick? Does the plug impact the flex or durability in any way?


I would shorten your shaft or go to a lower lie if you like your stick at the current length.

I see some people who love whatever blade they're using despite the lie being incorrect. Those people tend to fan on shots or passes a little more than players using the correct lie.

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I loved the Sakic curve for slappers and in-tight wristers, but I couldn't adjust to the lie/rocker as anything passed to me at the toe of the blade went under it.

I'm now using a Modano and it's working fine, but slappers aren't hitting top shelf and in-tight I have to do more of a flick. But hey, I'm nailing back handers and passes are good!

I've concluded a Sakic is more of an advanced blade, and unfortunately, I'm not advanced enough to adjust to it!

I'm thinking my dream blade is a lie 5, not much rocker (a-la Modano or Recchi) but with the more open Sakic face!


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I wouldn't think any blade is for "advanced" players. Lie has a lot to do with how low you skate and how long your stick is. I definitely like the Iginla or sakic curve better than the Forsberg, but I use the forsberg because it is about the lowest lie I can find in a stick that I like. I skate pretty low to the ground.

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I wouldn't think any blade is for "advanced" players.

I think when he says "advanced" he means someone who produces their own pattern based on their style of play, i.e. Al Masinnis, Leclair, Hull etc, those kinds of curves

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A couple of quick questions:

1. I understand that a blade like a Sakic doesn't have a true lie due to the size of the rocker. I mostly wear my Sakic on the heel to mid section of the blade. With a rockered blade should I still be looking to wear more toward the middle or is it really personal preference?

2. What is the benefit of having a plug in the end of my stick? Does the plug impact the flex or durability in any way?


I would shorten your shaft or go to a lower lie if you like your stick at the current length.

I see some people who love whatever blade they're using despite the lie being incorrect. Those people tend to fan on shots or passes a little more than players using the correct lie.

Thanks for all the feedback. I've tried the Forsberg as well but have problems getting the puck up in close and I like the puck in closer to my body. Sounds like I need to shorten up a bit possibly or go to a 6 lie with something similar.

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Hi folks.

When I said I thought it was an "advanced" blade I was thinking about the rocker.

In my opinion, those producing with a large rocker are ones who are doing more with the puck when it's in different places, for example a toe drag that leads to a quick snap shot. Unfortunately I don't have the skill to put that combination together so I'm better off with less rocker.

Agree? Disagree?


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I don't think the rocker necessarily makes all that much of a difference if you stick to that blade and use it for a long time since it takes some people longer to adjust to a different curve, lie, rocker

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I don't think the rocker necessarily makes all that much of a difference if you stick to that blade and use it for a long time since it takes some people longer to adjust to a different curve, lie, rocker

It makes a huge difference to me, I like a large portion of my blade on the ice.

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So I guess I need a new lie? ;)


I'm using an Iginla Stealth (5.5 lie), it comes up to just below my chin on skates. Will a 5 lie really make that much of a difference? Or do I need to go higher, like to a 6?

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Lower lie or shorter stick, your choice.

Shorter stick is out of the question....i'm about 6'4 on skates and my stick is too short as it is.

So a 5 lie's blade should be totally on the ice for me?

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Looking at how close to the heel the wear is, a five may not be perfect but it should be better than what you're using. If you like the pattern, Christian's Iggy clone is a 5.

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Looking at how close to the heel the wear is, a five may not be perfect but it should be better than what you're using. If you like the pattern, Christian's Iggy clone is a 5.

Ah, cool. Thanks. I may try to get a Modano or Forsberg pattern....if I don't like that I'll give the Christian a try.

As for the wear, if it only moves a little up the blade after using a 5, I guess I'll need to start pulling the puck in more while handling the puck. I don't know what other choice I have....

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Looking at how close to the heel the wear is, a five may not be perfect but it should be better than what you're using. If you like the pattern, Christian's Iggy clone is a 5.

Ah, cool. Thanks. I may try to get a Modano or Forsberg pattern....if I don't like that I'll give the Christian a try.

As for the wear, if it only moves a little up the blade after using a 5, I guess I'll need to start pulling the puck in more while handling the puck. I don't know what other choice I have....

Custom wood or the mythical Innos in different lies.

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You could also look at blades from Black Beauty Sticks, they have three patterns and lower lies to choose from. The blades are also less rockered on the bottom. I spoke to Al Iafrate (R&D for Black Beauty Sticks) and he told me that a true 5 lie is 45 degrees to the ice. Easton's 5 lie measures 48.5 degrees making it like a 6.5 lie.

I use a Black Beauty 4.5 lie blade and it solved the same problems of heel wear without having to shorten the stick.

You can check them out at www.bbsticks.com

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I spoke to Al Iafrate (R&D for Black Beauty Sticks) and he told me that a true 5 lie is 45 degrees to the ice. Easton's 5 lie measures 48.5 degrees making it like a 6.5 lie.

Wow....that's crazy.

Are other manufacturer's 5 lies "true?" Is it only Easton who is doing this?

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I spoke to Al Iafrate (R&D for Black Beauty Sticks) and he told me that a true 5 lie is 45 degrees to the ice. Easton's 5 lie measures 48.5 degrees making it like a 6.5 lie.

Wow....that's crazy.

Are other manufacturer's 5 lies "true?" Is it only Easton who is doing this?

every blade from a major manufacturer has some amount of rocker to it and they could be meaured at a number of different lies depending on where you measure it. It's not necessarily a bad thing.

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I spoke to Al Iafrate (R&D for Black Beauty Sticks) and he told me that a true 5 lie is 45 degrees to the ice. Easton's 5 lie measures 48.5 degrees making it like a 6.5 lie.

Wow....that's crazy.

Are other manufacturer's 5 lies "true?" Is it only Easton who is doing this?

I'm not sure how true that is. I have a wooden Easton Modano blade and 3 Christian #1 wood blades (Christian's version of a Modano clone) and they match up almost exact and Christian also claims that their blade is a 5 lie. They're all in shafts so I get an excellent idea as to their lie.

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