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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anybody not lacing their top eyelet?

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I have to lace the top-eyelet or I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skates. Now I see I'm the weird one. Haha

I guess it should be noted, I do not wear high end skates, as I've only been playing for about a year. Maybe the lack fo stiffness is why I need to lace the top eyelet?

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Just got my son the Jr XXXX's (09) model. Pretty sure my son would break his shin bone if we did not unlace the top eye. Suckers are stiff. With top laced he could not even stand up on them Without, only took him 2 sessions to get comfortable with the skates.

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Been having some problems getting the skates laced up the way I want them lately (either too loose or too tight), but re-laced with Graf waxed and a normal pattern instead of weird lacing schemes, laced a little loose for warmups (feet expand), tightened up for the game, felt great again. Sometimes just have to keep it simple.

Oh, with wax laces, I'm skipping the top two eyelets, feels great.

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I have CCM Tacks where I do not lace the top eyelet, but more comment worthy is that I don't start tightening my laces until the 6th eylet up my boot. Eyelet 7 through 10 is all I need to perfectly lock my heel in place. This prevents my foot from going numb as I have very wide feet with a high arch, and even a E width CCM Tack thats been stretched isn't enough on it's own.

So my question is, who here leaves the bottom few laces loose?

Eyelets 1-6 are loose enough to easily slide a couple fingers under them.

Eyelets 7-9 are tight.

Eyelet 10 goes unlaced.

Same here, though probably a touch tighter in the 1-6.

I have always left the top eyelet undone on all my skates, bar my very low cut 727's.

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Without lacing the top eyelet on my roller skates i cant seem to get them tight enough, they dont seem to support my ankle properly unless i do

Yup, Im the same boat (08 assassins), was missing a bit of skin from my ankle by the end of the night, which isnt surprising given that I roll that foot inwards anyway

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I lace my Shift 1's all the way up but I leave the top eyelet open on my S17's.

My 6 year old son even prefers his top eyelet open on his Eastons.

His skating has improved since I left it open and he like the way it feels.

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I have been in a pair of Nike Quests and have skipped the top eyelet for the life of the skates. Just got a pair of Graf 703's and I know they are lower than the Nikes but I still feel better skipping the top eyelet. Anyone else in GRAF skip the top one?

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Just got my son the Jr XXXX's (09) model. Pretty sure my son would break his shin bone if we did not unlace the top eye. Suckers are stiff. With top laced he could not even stand up on them Without, only took him 2 sessions to get comfortable with the skates.

I am on the same boat...my vapor xxxx dont get laced up all the way. top stays unlaced...or my shins would kill

my graf 703's get laced up all the way though.

easton 1300C skates dont get the top laced up either.

all skates have waxed laces.

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