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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anybody not lacing their top eyelet?

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Well my topic say pretty everything...i found a way to do nothing to my tongue...to have more flex in the tongue...i'm not lacing the top eyelet of my skate....

but i whanted to know if it was bad in anyways to not do this...or it normal???


see ya

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I haven't consistently laced the top eyelet since I was a kid. Especially with new skates or really stiff skates. I like a little bit more forward ankle movement/flex, and not lacing the top eyelet allows for that.

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I didnt lace my top eyelet for a few pairs of skates i had because i liked the more flexibility, But now i have been lacing them up full way since i got my Vector ZG 110 and Vapor XXX.

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Everytime I got a new pair of Vapors I wouldn't lace the top two eyelets. Then, once the skates broke down a little bit (okay, a lot bit), I would then move up to the next eyelet. Never got above that one, though...

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i have graf 703's and i used to not do the top eyelet up, and would just tape my ankles...but i've gotten used to the stiffness, and have dropped the tape and just lace em up fully.

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The only skates I've used where I lace my skates up the entire way, was my S500s. With my Kors I usually skip the top eyelet though I have skipped the top three and not noticed a major difference.

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I have to lace my s500's up all the way, the boots just arnt as stiff as xxx or something. But the less boot stiffness is by design I think, Its suppost to help with foreward flex and skating.

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Ive always laced my skates up all the way. i guess its just PP. ive tryed not doing the top eyelet up on the pond a few times but i just dont like it.

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i know sum guys who dont lace the top 2 or 3 on vapor XX or XXX's because of there stiffness

I have to try not lacing up all the way on my XXX because they are by far the stiffest skate i have ever used.

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I too leave the top eyelet empty, but I wrap the laces around the back of the skate. Is it bad to wrap the laces around the back of the skate?..I get yelled at and told that Im gonna break my ankle all the time...Is this true?

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I too leave the top eyelet empty, but I wrap the laces around the back of the skate. Is it bad to wrap the laces around the back of the skate?..I get yelled at and told that Im gonna break my ankle all the time...Is this true?

You will break down the tendon guard more quickly.

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I too leave the top eyelet empty, but I wrap the laces around the back of the skate. Is it bad to wrap the laces around the back of the skate?..I get yelled at and told that Im gonna break my ankle all the time...Is this true?

I do that. I don't know if what Chadd says is true about the tenon guard (and if it is, I either have never noticed or never cared), but it's no different than the people who put tape around their ankles (fairly common in my bear league). I have never even sprained my ankle (knock on wood) by having done this, and I have done it as long as I can remember, and I've been playing hockey (badly) since I was 5 or 6.

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I too leave the top eyelet empty, but I wrap the laces around the back of the skate. Is it bad to wrap the laces around the back of the skate?..I get yelled at and told that Im gonna break my ankle all the time...Is this true?

I do that. I don't know if what Chadd says is true about the tenon guard (and if it is, I either have never noticed or never cared), but it's no different than the people who put tape around their ankles (fairly common in my bear league). I have never even sprained my ankle (knock on wood) by having done this, and I have done it as long as I can remember, and I've been playing hockey (badly) since I was 5 or 6.

Most people around here have the laces wrap around right at the base of the tendon guard and they become useless when they snap. If you wrap the laces lower, around the actual boot, it shouldn't be a problem.

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Ah, that could explain it as that is what I do (in fact... thinking about it now... I think I actually leave the top two eyelets open - I'll have to look when I get home, rarely even think about it anymore as it's just habit and I don't pull my laces out after a game).

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