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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Snake grip

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is the "Snake Grip" on the RBK sticks any different than like the Easton grip?

"Snake Grip" is like snake skin. Easton is more rubbery.

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does the snake grip wear down?  like does it get rubbed down from stick contacting other sticks?

in my experiances it has...

What stick did you use that had Snake Grip? RbK?

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does the snake grip wear down?  like does it get rubbed down from stick contacting other sticks?

in my experiances it has...

What stick did you use that had Snake Grip? RbK?

Yea I have the 5k. Im not sure if the 6k or 7k does

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The snake grip is just ridges in the composite.It should not wear down.As the 6k shaft and 7k have profeel/prolite which is similar to the easton synergy grip.

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Snake grip is not rough,it is very smooth and I for one think its pointless.I would find that the shaft gets very slippery when wet.

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