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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Original Nike skates?

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I thought the first production ones were Air Accel Elite? the 2nd generation stuff was ignite, but gloves etc in the beginning had names like bolero,etc..

that Sundin commercial was classic since he levels the guy wearing the Sundin jersey...unfortunately..a lot of people didn't even get that in the States (MSH'ers excluded)

O man, it's prolly the only ad that I still remember seeing from before I was 10.

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I think those were the origional retail...

they look like wrestler's boots except low-cut...

I'm sorry to raise a dead thread but...

Yep, those were the top of the line retail nike's when they first came out. I can't remember when they came out, but I remember paying something like $499 for a pair of the Air Accel Elite Inlines (those pictured with a HORRIBLE chassis and horrible wheels)..I then got a pair of the ice version of the air accel elites at a blowout sale..something like 60 bucks for the pair. They sat in my closet for a LONG time. I just recently took those boots and put a mission chassis on for inline. To this day, it's one of the stiffest boots I've used. Much stiffer and better built then it's inline counterpart, it seems. The cool thing is, I get guys coming up to me on the rink smiling and telling me how cool they think my skates are, and that it's a blast from the past. These things are probably deadweights compared to Mission flyweights or the newest, greatest technology, but they're so comfy and supportive to me, and that's what counts.

The old Nike commercial that still rings in my mind is the Fedorov one where he skates through all 5 guys on the other team and lights the goalie up. It was in this commercial that I saw/learned how to do the sweet spin-o-rama move! I also had the first retail Nike gloves too...Remember the Virtuoso's? The weird looking gloves with that weird carbon fibre bit in the gloves? Memories!

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The old Nike commercial that still rings in my mind is the Fedorov one where he skates through all 5 guys on the other team and lights the goalie up. It was in this commercial that I saw/learned how to do the sweet spin-o-rama move! I also had the first retail Nike gloves too...Remember the Virtuoso's? The weird looking gloves with that weird carbon fibre bit in the gloves? Memories!

Yep...Brian Leetch had a quick cameo - he was the first to get smoked.

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i had the virtuosos too. i found them in my house originally during the holidays when looking for my baseball helmet and a box of nike gloves fell on my head. they came in an oversized shoebox. this was 7th grade for me. to this day i loved every piece of those gloves, especially the graphite u could see in the thumb, they were beauts.

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